Non-standard trajectories found by machine learning for evaporative cooling of 87Rb atoms

Opt Express. 2019 Jul 22;27(15):20435-20443. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.020435.


We present a machine-learning experiment involving evaporative cooling of gaseous 87Rb atoms. The evaporation trajectory was optimized to maximize the number of atoms cooled down to a Bose-Einstein condensate using Bayesian optimization. After 300 trials within 3 hours, Bayesian optimization discovered trajectories that achieved atom numbers comparable with those of manual tuning by a human expert. Analysis of the machine-learned trajectories revealed minimum requirements for successful evaporative cooling. We found that the manually obtained curve and the machine-learned trajectories were quite similar in terms of evaporation efficiency, although the manual and machine-learned evaporation ramps were significantly different.