Propagation of vibrational modes in classical harmonic lattice with correlated disorder

An Acad Bras Cienc. 2019 Jul 1;91(2):e20180114. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765201920180114.


The vibrational modes with nonzero frequency are localized in harmonic lattice with disordered masses. In our work, we investigated numerically the propagation of vibrational energy in harmonic lattice with long-range correlated disordered masses, which are randomly distributed with power law spectrum S ( k ) ∝ k - α . For α = 0, a standard uncorrelated disordered mass distribution was observed and for α > 0 its distribution exhibits intrinsic long-range correlations. Our procedure was done by the numerical solution of the classical equations for the mass displacement and velocities. Energy flow was investigated after injection of an initial wave-packet with energy E0 and the dynamics of the vibrational energy wave-packet was analyzed. We also investigated the dynamics of a pulse pumped at one side of the lattice. Our calculations suggest that vibrational modes with nonzero frequency propagate within harmonic lattice with correlated disordered masses distribution.