Environmentally friendly fertilizers: A review of materials used and their effects on the environment

Sci Total Environ. 2018 Feb 1:613-614:829-839. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.186. Epub 2017 Sep 21.


Fertilizer plays an important role in maintaining soil fertility, increasing yields and improving harvest quality. However, a significant portion of fertilizers are lost, increasing agricultural cost, wasting energy and polluting the environment, which are challenges for the sustainability of modern agriculture. To meet the demands of improving yields without compromising the environment, environmentally friendly fertilizers (EFFs) have been developed. EFFs are fertilizers that can reduce environmental pollution from nutrient loss by retarding, or even controlling, the release of nutrients into soil. Most of EFFs are employed in the form of coated fertilizers. The application of degradable natural materials as a coating when amending soils is the focus of EFF research. Here, we review recent studies on materials used in EFFs and their effects on the environment. The major findings covered in this review are as follows: 1) EFF coatings can prevent urea exposure in water and soil by serving as a physical barrier, thereby reducing the urea hydrolysis rate and decreasing nitrogen oxide (NOx) and dinitrogen (N2) emissions, 2) EFFs can increase the soil organic matter content, 3) hydrogel/superabsorbent coated EFFs can buffer soil acidity or alkalinity and lead to an optimal pH for plants, and 4) hydrogel/superabsorbent coated EFFs can improve water-retention and water-holding capacity of soil. In conclusion, EFFs play an important role in enhancing nutrients efficiency and reducing environmental pollution.

Keywords: Environment; Environmentally friendly fertilizer; Nutrient releases; Soil; Sustainable agriculture.

Publication types

  • Review