Improving the use of phlebotomy services in a paediatric inpatient setting

BMJ Qual Improv Rep. 2014 Jan 3;2(2):u202230.w1115. doi: 10.1136/bmjquality.u202230.w1115. eCollection 2014.


The aim of this project was to improve the use of the current Paediatric Phlebotomy service. The main problem identified was the lack of a system to notify medical teams of unsuccessful blood requests. A phlebotomy process map was constructed to help analyse reasons why failure to notify occurred. Pre and post intervention audits were conducted using the number of unsuccessful blood requests notified as a baseline measurement. The initial intervention was modified based on feedback during the process. A 44% improvement in the number of unsuccessful blood requests notified and a potential cost savings of £6240 was demonstrated in the post-intervention audit. Further work is required as to whether these improvements can be increased, sustained and be cost effective.