Analysis of Occupational Accident Fatalities and Injuries Among Male Group in Iran Between 2008 and 2012

Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2015 Oct 13;17(10):e18976. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.18976. eCollection 2015 Oct.


Background: Because of occupational accidents, permanent disabilities and deaths occur and economic and workday losses emerge.

Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors responsible for occupational accidents occurred in Iran.

Patients and methods: The current study analyzed 1464 occupational accidents recorded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs' offices in Iran during 2008 - 2012. At first, general understanding of accidents was obtained using descriptive statistics. Afterwards, the chi-square test and Cramer's V statistic (Vc) were used to determine the association between factors influencing the type of injury as occupational accident outcomes.

Results: There was no significant association between marital status and time of day with the type of injury. However, activity sector, cause of accident, victim's education, age of victim and victim's experience were significantly associated with the type of injury.

Conclusions: Successful accident prevention relies largely on knowledge about the causes of accidents. In any accident control activity, particularly in occupational accidents, correctly identifying high-risk groups and factors influencing accidents is the key to successful interventions. Results of this study can cause to increase accident awareness and enable workplace's management to select and prioritize problem areas and safety system weakness in workplaces.

Keywords: Accident Analysis; Accident Causes; Fatality; Injury; Occupational.