Universal Correction of Density Functional Theory to Include London Dispersion (up to Lr, Element 103)

J Phys Chem Lett. 2012 Feb 2;3(3):360-3. doi: 10.1021/jz2016395. Epub 2012 Jan 18.


Conventional density functional theory (DFT) fails to describe accurately the London dispersion essential for describing molecular interactions in soft matter (biological systems, polymers, nucleic acids) and molecular crystals. This has led to several methods in which atom-dependent potentials are added into the Kohn-Sham DFT energy. Some of these corrections were fitted to accurate quantum mechanical results, but it will be tedious to determine the appropriate parameters to describe all of the atoms of the periodic table. We propose an alternative approach in which a single parameter in the low-gradient (lg) functional form is combined with the rule-based UFF (universal force-field) nonbond parameters developed for the entire periodic table (up to Lr, Z = 103), named as a DFT-ulg method. We show that DFT-ulg method leads to a very accurate description of the properties for molecular complexes and molecular crystals, providing the means for predicting more accurate weak interactions across the periodic table.

Keywords: DFT-ulg; PBE-ulg; low-gradient functional; soft matter; universal force field.