A nickel complex of a conjugated bis-dithiocarbazate Schiff base for the photocatalytic production of hydrogen

Dalton Trans. 2015 Aug 28;44(32):14265-71. doi: 10.1039/c5dt02042e.


We report a nickel complex containing a conjugated bis-dithiocarbazate ligand that is an active catalyst for the reduction of protons into hydrogen gas. Light-driven hydrogen generation is observed from a system containing this molecular nickel catalyst coupled with a fluorescein photosensitizer and triethylamine sacrificial donor. The photocatalytic system is stable for over 70 hours, achieving 3300 turnovers with respect to catalyst. The complex is also an active electrocatalyst for proton reduction with catalysis occurring at -1.7 V vs. Fc(+)/Fc. The nickel bis-dithiocarbazate complex represents a highly active and stable catalyst for hydrogen generation.