Neoaustin: a meroterpene produced by Penicillium sp

Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Feb 25;65(Pt 3):o612. doi: 10.1107/S1600536809006618.


The title meroterpene neoaustin {systematic name: (1'S,2'R,3S,7'R,9'S,11'S,12'R)-11'-hydr-oxy-2,2,2',9',12'-penta-methyl-6',15'-dimethyl-ene-2,6-dihydro-13'-oxaspiro-[pyran-3,5'-tetra-cyclo-[,11).0(2,7)]penta-deca-ne]-6,10',14'-trione}, C(25)H(30)O(6), comprises five rings, three six-membered and two five-membered. The absolute configuration was established based on [α(D)] = +166.91° (c 1.21, CH(2)Cl(2)). In the crystal, the mol-ecules are connected into a supra-molecular helical chain via O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds reinforced by C-H⋯O contacts.