Stroboscopic wave-packet description of nonequilibrium many-electron problems

Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Jul 25;101(4):046402. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.046402. Epub 2008 Jul 22.


We introduce the construction of an orthogonal wave-packet basis set, using the concept of stroboscopic time propagation, tailored to the efficient description of nonequilibrium extended electronic systems. Thanks to three desirable properties of this basis, significant insight is provided into nonequilibrium processes (both time-dependent and steady-state), and reliable physical estimates of various many-electron quantities such as density, current, and spin polarization can be obtained. Use of the wave-packet basis provides new results for time-dependent switching-on of the bias in quantum transport, and for current-induced spin accumulation at the edge of a 2D doped semiconductor caused by edge-induced spin-orbit interaction.