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dbSNP Short Genetic Variations

Welcome to the Reference SNP (rs) Report

All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Click on the Variant Details tab for details on Genomic Placement, Gene, and Amino Acid changes. HGVS names are in the HGVS tab.

Reference SNP (rs) Report

This page reports data for a single dbSNP Reference SNP variation (RefSNP or rs) from the new redesigned dbSNP build.
Top of the page reports a concise summary for the rs, with more specific details included in the corresponding tabs below.
All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Use the Genomic View to inspect the nucleotides flanking the variant, and its neighbors.
For more information see Help documentation.


Current Build 156

Released September 21, 2022

Homo sapiens
chr12:57133500 (GRCh38.p14) Help

The anchor position for this RefSNP. Includes all nucleotides potentially affected by this change, thus it can differ from HGVS, which is right-shifted. See here for details.

T>C / T>G
Variation Type
SNV Single Nucleotide Variation
C=0.397038 (136381/343496, ALFA)
C=0.423359 (112059/264690, TOPMED)
C=0.418830 (58565/139830, GnomAD) (+ 21 more)
C=0.42186 (33201/78702, PAGE_STUDY)
C=0.19281 (5447/28250, 14KJPN)
C=0.19356 (3244/16760, 8.3KJPN)
C=0.3979 (2548/6404, 1000G_30x)
C=0.3894 (1950/5008, 1000G)
C=0.4103 (1838/4480, Estonian)
C=0.4126 (1590/3854, ALSPAC)
C=0.4142 (1536/3708, TWINSUK)
C=0.2157 (631/2926, KOREAN)
C=0.4029 (838/2080, HGDP_Stanford)
C=0.3684 (697/1892, HapMap)
C=0.2102 (385/1832, Korea1K)
C=0.423 (422/998, GoNL)
C=0.251 (199/792, PRJEB37584)
C=0.363 (218/600, NorthernSweden)
T=0.363 (138/380, SGDP_PRJ)
C=0.301 (65/216, Qatari)
C=0.187 (40/214, Vietnamese)
C=0.42 (17/40, GENOME_DK)
C=0.32 (12/38, Ancient Sardinia)
T=0.38 (12/32, Siberian)
Clinical Significance
Not Reported in ClinVar
Gene : Consequence
LRP1 : Intron Variant
27 citations
Genomic View
See rs on genome

ALFA Allele Frequency
The ALFA project provide aggregate allele frequency from dbGaP. More information is available on the project page including descriptions, data access, and terms of use.

Release Version: 20230706150541
Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
Total Global 343712 T=0.602955 C=0.397045, G=0.000000
European Sub 298998 T=0.601904 C=0.398096, G=0.000000
African Sub 8108 T=0.5692 C=0.4308, G=0.0000
African Others Sub 302 T=0.593 C=0.407, G=0.000
African American Sub 7806 T=0.5683 C=0.4317, G=0.0000
Asian Sub 6920 T=0.7551 C=0.2449, G=0.0000
East Asian Sub 4982 T=0.7698 C=0.2302, G=0.0000
Other Asian Sub 1938 T=0.7172 C=0.2828, G=0.0000
Latin American 1 Sub 1130 T=0.5947 C=0.4053, G=0.0000
Latin American 2 Sub 7210 T=0.4872 C=0.5128, G=0.0000
South Asian Sub 5224 T=0.6016 C=0.3984, G=0.0000
Other Sub 16122 T=0.62691 C=0.37309, G=0.00000


Frequency tab displays a table of the reference and alternate allele frequencies reported by various studies and populations. Table lines, where Population="Global" refer to the entire study population, whereas lines, where Group="Sub", refer to a study-specific population subgroupings (i.e. AFR, CAU, etc.), if available. Frequency for the alternate allele (Alt Allele) is a ratio of samples observed-to-total, where the numerator (observed samples) is the number of chromosomes in the study with the minor allele present (found in "Sample size", where Group="Sub"), and the denominator (total samples) is the total number of all chromosomes in the study for the variant (found in "Sample size", where Group="Study-wide" and Population="Global").

Study Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
Allele Frequency Aggregator Total Global 343496 T=0.602962 C=0.397038, G=0.000000
Allele Frequency Aggregator European Sub 298818 T=0.601912 C=0.398088, G=0.000000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Other Sub 16100 T=0.62689 C=0.37311, G=0.00000
Allele Frequency Aggregator African Sub 8094 T=0.5692 C=0.4308, G=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 2 Sub 7210 T=0.4872 C=0.5128, G=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Asian Sub 6920 T=0.7551 C=0.2449, G=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator South Asian Sub 5224 T=0.6016 C=0.3984, G=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 1 Sub 1130 T=0.5947 C=0.4053, G=0.0000
TopMed Global Study-wide 264690 T=0.576641 C=0.423359
gnomAD - Genomes Global Study-wide 139830 T=0.581170 C=0.418830
gnomAD - Genomes European Sub 75766 T=0.59884 C=0.40116
gnomAD - Genomes African Sub 41846 T=0.56419 C=0.43581
gnomAD - Genomes American Sub 13624 T=0.48782 C=0.51218
gnomAD - Genomes Ashkenazi Jewish Sub 3320 T=0.6139 C=0.3861
gnomAD - Genomes East Asian Sub 3126 T=0.7444 C=0.2556
gnomAD - Genomes Other Sub 2148 T=0.5926 C=0.4074
The PAGE Study Global Study-wide 78702 T=0.57814 C=0.42186
The PAGE Study AfricanAmerican Sub 32516 T=0.55699 C=0.44301
The PAGE Study Mexican Sub 10810 T=0.51045 C=0.48955
The PAGE Study Asian Sub 8318 T=0.8209 C=0.1791
The PAGE Study PuertoRican Sub 7918 T=0.5044 C=0.4956
The PAGE Study NativeHawaiian Sub 4534 T=0.6925 C=0.3075
The PAGE Study Cuban Sub 4230 T=0.6123 C=0.3877
The PAGE Study Dominican Sub 3828 T=0.5734 C=0.4266
The PAGE Study CentralAmerican Sub 2450 T=0.4457 C=0.5543
The PAGE Study SouthAmerican Sub 1982 T=0.4218 C=0.5782
The PAGE Study NativeAmerican Sub 1260 T=0.5548 C=0.4452
The PAGE Study SouthAsian Sub 856 T=0.582 C=0.418
14KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 28250 T=0.80719 C=0.19281
8.3KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 16760 T=0.80644 C=0.19356
1000Genomes_30x Global Study-wide 6404 T=0.6021 C=0.3979
1000Genomes_30x African Sub 1786 T=0.5482 C=0.4518
1000Genomes_30x Europe Sub 1266 T=0.6248 C=0.3752
1000Genomes_30x South Asian Sub 1202 T=0.6339 C=0.3661
1000Genomes_30x East Asian Sub 1170 T=0.7453 C=0.2547
1000Genomes_30x American Sub 980 T=0.461 C=0.539
1000Genomes Global Study-wide 5008 T=0.6106 C=0.3894
1000Genomes African Sub 1322 T=0.5454 C=0.4546
1000Genomes East Asian Sub 1008 T=0.7540 C=0.2460
1000Genomes Europe Sub 1006 T=0.6213 C=0.3787
1000Genomes South Asian Sub 978 T=0.644 C=0.356
1000Genomes American Sub 694 T=0.464 C=0.536
Genetic variation in the Estonian population Estonian Study-wide 4480 T=0.5897 C=0.4103
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children PARENT AND CHILD COHORT Study-wide 3854 T=0.5874 C=0.4126
UK 10K study - Twins TWIN COHORT Study-wide 3708 T=0.5858 C=0.4142
KOREAN population from KRGDB KOREAN Study-wide 2926 T=0.7843 C=0.2157
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Global Study-wide 2080 T=0.5971 C=0.4029
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Est_Asia Sub 468 T=0.707 C=0.293
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Central_South_Asia Sub 414 T=0.623 C=0.377
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Middle_Est Sub 350 T=0.700 C=0.300
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Europe Sub 320 T=0.597 C=0.403
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Africa Sub 242 T=0.591 C=0.409
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 America Sub 216 T=0.199 C=0.801
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Oceania Sub 70 T=0.44 C=0.56
HapMap Global Study-wide 1892 T=0.6316 C=0.3684
HapMap American Sub 770 T=0.632 C=0.368
HapMap African Sub 692 T=0.575 C=0.425
HapMap Asian Sub 254 T=0.783 C=0.217
HapMap Europe Sub 176 T=0.631 C=0.369
Korean Genome Project KOREAN Study-wide 1832 T=0.7898 C=0.2102
Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 Genome of the Netherlands Study-wide 998 T=0.577 C=0.423
CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas Global Study-wide 792 T=0.749 C=0.251
CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas CRM Sub 792 T=0.749 C=0.251
Northern Sweden ACPOP Study-wide 600 T=0.637 C=0.363
SGDP_PRJ Global Study-wide 380 T=0.363 C=0.637
Qatari Global Study-wide 216 T=0.699 C=0.301
A Vietnamese Genetic Variation Database Global Study-wide 214 T=0.813 C=0.187
The Danish reference pan genome Danish Study-wide 40 T=0.57 C=0.42
Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis Global Study-wide 38 T=0.68 C=0.32
Siberian Global Study-wide 32 T=0.38 C=0.62

Variant Details tab shows known variant placements on genomic sequences: chromosomes (NC_), RefSeqGene, pseudogenes or genomic regions (NG_), and in a separate table: on transcripts (NM_) and protein sequences (NP_). The corresponding transcript and protein locations are listed in adjacent lines, along with molecular consequences from Sequence Ontology. When no protein placement is available, only the transcript is listed. Column "Codon[Amino acid]" shows the actual base change in the format of "Reference > Alternate" allele, including the nucleotide codon change in transcripts, and the amino acid change in proteins, respectively, allowing for known ribosomal slippage sites. To view nucleotides adjacent to the variant use the Genomic View at the bottom of the page - zoom into the sequence until the nucleotides around the variant become visible.

Genomic Placements
Sequence name Change
GRCh38.p14 chr 12 NC_000012.12:g.57133500T>C
GRCh38.p14 chr 12 NC_000012.12:g.57133500T>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 12 NC_000012.11:g.57527283T>C
GRCh37.p13 chr 12 NC_000012.11:g.57527283T>G
STAT6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1369) NG_021272.2:g.3640A>G
STAT6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1369) NG_021272.2:g.3640A>C
LRP1 RefSeqGene NG_016444.1:g.10002T>C
LRP1 RefSeqGene NG_016444.1:g.10002T>G
Gene: LRP1, LDL receptor related protein 1 (plus strand)
Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
LRP1 transcript NM_002332.3:c.67+4469T>C N/A Intron Variant

Clinical Significance tab shows a list of clinical significance entries from ClinVar associated with the variation, per allele. Click on the RCV accession (i.e. RCV000001615.2) or Allele ID (i.e. 12274) to access full ClinVar report.

Not Reported in ClinVar

Aliases tab displays HGVS names representing the variant placements and allele changes on genomic, transcript and protein sequences, per allele. HGVS name is an expression for reporting sequence accession and version, sequence type, position, and allele change. The column "Note" can have two values: "diff" means that there is a difference between the reference allele (variation interval) at the placement reported in HGVS name and the reference alleles reported in other HGVS names, and "rev" means that the sequence of this variation interval at the placement reported in HGVS name is in reverse orientation to the sequence(s) of this variation in other HGVS names not labeled as "rev".

Placement T= C G
GRCh38.p14 chr 12 NC_000012.12:g.57133500= NC_000012.12:g.57133500T>C NC_000012.12:g.57133500T>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 12 NC_000012.11:g.57527283= NC_000012.11:g.57527283T>C NC_000012.11:g.57527283T>G
STAT6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1369) NG_021272.2:g.3640= NG_021272.2:g.3640A>G NG_021272.2:g.3640A>C
LRP1 RefSeqGene NG_016444.1:g.10002= NG_016444.1:g.10002T>C NG_016444.1:g.10002T>G
LRP1 transcript NM_002332.2:c.67+4469= NM_002332.2:c.67+4469T>C NM_002332.2:c.67+4469T>G
LRP1 transcript NM_002332.3:c.67+4469= NM_002332.3:c.67+4469T>C NM_002332.3:c.67+4469T>G

Submissions tab displays variations originally submitted to dbSNP, now supporting this RefSNP cluster (rs). We display Submitter handle, Submission identifier, Date and Build number, when the submission appeared for the first time. Direct submissions to dbSNP have Submission ID in the form of an ss-prefixed number (ss#). Other supporting variations are listed in the table without ss#.

148 SubSNP, 24 Frequency submissions
No Submitter Submission ID Date (Build)
1 SC_SNP ss18792213 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
2 SC_SNP ss19002853 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
3 ABI ss38947144 Mar 15, 2006 (126)
4 ILLUMINA ss66764959 Dec 01, 2006 (127)
5 ILLUMINA ss66925079 Dec 01, 2006 (127)
6 ILLUMINA ss67075748 Dec 01, 2006 (127)
7 ILLUMINA ss70391433 May 18, 2007 (127)
8 ILLUMINA ss70522973 May 23, 2008 (130)
9 ILLUMINA ss71052326 May 18, 2007 (127)
10 ILLUMINA ss75769611 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
11 HGSV ss77138681 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
12 KRIBB_YJKIM ss85082117 Dec 14, 2007 (130)
13 HUMANGENOME_JCVI ss97312027 Feb 04, 2009 (130)
14 1000GENOMES ss111987648 Jan 25, 2009 (130)
15 ILLUMINA ss121456909 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
16 ENSEMBL ss137429511 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
17 ILLUMINA ss152955057 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
18 GMI ss157513030 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
19 ILLUMINA ss159168744 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
20 ILLUMINA ss159966305 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
21 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss168351637 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
22 ILLUMINA ss169817033 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
23 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss169947821 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
24 ILLUMINA ss171123827 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
25 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss175138884 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
26 BUSHMAN ss198233241 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
27 BCM-HGSC-SUB ss208321558 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
28 1000GENOMES ss225770824 Jul 14, 2010 (132)
29 1000GENOMES ss235947737 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
30 1000GENOMES ss242504773 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
31 ILLUMINA ss244271822 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
32 BL ss255145060 May 09, 2011 (134)
33 GMI ss281410513 May 04, 2012 (137)
34 PJP ss291257998 May 09, 2011 (134)
35 ILLUMINA ss410892417 Sep 17, 2011 (135)
36 ILLUMINA ss479487129 May 04, 2012 (137)
37 ILLUMINA ss479491119 May 04, 2012 (137)
38 ILLUMINA ss479930994 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
39 ILLUMINA ss484543084 May 04, 2012 (137)
40 EXOME_CHIP ss491469933 May 04, 2012 (137)
41 ILLUMINA ss536682835 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
42 TISHKOFF ss563187491 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
43 SSMP ss658746833 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
44 ILLUMINA ss778379662 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
45 ILLUMINA ss780680979 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
46 ILLUMINA ss782718178 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
47 ILLUMINA ss783354276 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
48 ILLUMINA ss783685800 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
49 ILLUMINA ss825360828 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
50 ILLUMINA ss831969681 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
51 ILLUMINA ss832681293 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
52 ILLUMINA ss833271982 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
53 ILLUMINA ss833834634 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
54 EVA-GONL ss989570841 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
55 JMKIDD_LAB ss1078487031 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
56 1000GENOMES ss1345168614 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
57 DDI ss1426944054 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
58 EVA_GENOME_DK ss1576304638 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
59 EVA_DECODE ss1599244368 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
60 EVA_UK10K_ALSPAC ss1628666842 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
61 EVA_UK10K_TWINSUK ss1671660875 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
62 EVA_SVP ss1713330503 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
63 ILLUMINA ss1752074535 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
64 ILLUMINA ss1752074536 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
65 HAMMER_LAB ss1807261754 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
66 ILLUMINA ss1917875441 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
67 WEILL_CORNELL_DGM ss1932936351 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
68 ILLUMINA ss1946341054 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
69 ILLUMINA ss1959439488 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
70 GENOMED ss1967597414 Jul 19, 2016 (147)
71 JJLAB ss2027217881 Sep 14, 2016 (149)
72 USC_VALOUEV ss2155559191 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
73 HUMAN_LONGEVITY ss2190099101 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
74 SYSTEMSBIOZJU ss2628090338 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
75 ILLUMINA ss2632964042 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
76 ILLUMINA ss2632964043 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
77 ILLUMINA ss2632964044 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
78 GRF ss2699904070 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
79 ILLUMINA ss2710763121 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
80 GNOMAD ss2910951756 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
81 AFFY ss2984981173 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
82 AFFY ss2985617994 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
83 SWEGEN ss3009753478 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
84 ILLUMINA ss3021435973 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
85 BIOINF_KMB_FNS_UNIBA ss3027417729 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
86 CSHL ss3350081403 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
87 ILLUMINA ss3626887615 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
88 ILLUMINA ss3626887616 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
89 ILLUMINA ss3630972955 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
90 ILLUMINA ss3633021769 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
91 ILLUMINA ss3633722817 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
92 ILLUMINA ss3634507561 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
93 ILLUMINA ss3634507562 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
94 ILLUMINA ss3635413548 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
95 ILLUMINA ss3636192308 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
96 ILLUMINA ss3637164540 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
97 ILLUMINA ss3637965874 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
98 ILLUMINA ss3638996239 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
99 ILLUMINA ss3639500353 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
100 ILLUMINA ss3640214894 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
101 ILLUMINA ss3640214895 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
102 ILLUMINA ss3642959256 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
103 ILLUMINA ss3644594030 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
104 URBANLAB ss3649845495 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
105 ILLUMINA ss3651813850 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
106 ILLUMINA ss3653751123 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
107 EGCUT_WGS ss3677021363 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
108 EVA_DECODE ss3693745513 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
109 ILLUMINA ss3725329715 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
110 ACPOP ss3739054889 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
111 ILLUMINA ss3744397466 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
112 ILLUMINA ss3744808232 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
113 ILLUMINA ss3744808233 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
114 EVA ss3750524936 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
115 PAGE_CC ss3771695037 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
116 ILLUMINA ss3772307672 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
117 ILLUMINA ss3772307673 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
118 KHV_HUMAN_GENOMES ss3815855307 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
119 EVA ss3833141683 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
120 EVA ss3840140351 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
121 EVA ss3845626993 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
122 HGDP ss3847451846 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
123 SGDP_PRJ ss3878353585 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
124 KRGDB ss3927001930 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
125 KOGIC ss3972020377 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
126 EVA ss3984667608 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
127 EVA ss3985593084 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
128 EVA ss4017591104 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
129 TOPMED ss4919643200 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
130 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5206505042 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
131 EVA ss5237512207 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
132 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5290946693 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
133 EVA ss5315623446 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
134 EVA ss5405879620 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
135 HUGCELL_USP ss5485681679 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
136 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5588497741 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
137 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5624302665 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
138 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5653230002 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
139 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5756354195 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
140 EVA ss5799873329 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
141 YY_MCH ss5813331199 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
142 EVA ss5838017381 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
143 EVA ss5847409684 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
144 EVA ss5847672227 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
145 EVA ss5850397311 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
146 EVA ss5904544340 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
147 EVA ss5944592353 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
148 EVA ss5979392768 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
149 1000Genomes NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
150 1000Genomes_30x NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
151 The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
152 Genetic variation in the Estonian population NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
153 The Danish reference pan genome NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
154 gnomAD - Genomes NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
155 Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
156 HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 NC_000012.10 - 55813550 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
157 HapMap NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
158 KOREAN population from KRGDB NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
159 Korean Genome Project NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
160 Northern Sweden NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
161 The PAGE Study NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
162 Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
163 CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
164 Qatari NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
165 SGDP_PRJ NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
166 Siberian NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
167 8.3KJPN NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
168 14KJPN NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
169 TopMed NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
170 UK 10K study - Twins NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
171 A Vietnamese Genetic Variation Database NC_000012.11 - 57527283 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
172 ALFA NC_000012.12 - 57133500 Apr 26, 2021 (155)

History tab displays RefSNPs (Associated ID) from previous builds (Build) that now support the current RefSNP, and the dates, when the history was updated for each Associated ID (History Updated).

Associated ID History Updated (Build)
rs57203827 May 23, 2008 (130)
Added to this RefSNP Cluster:
Submission IDs Observation SPDI Canonical SPDI Source RSIDs
ss77138681, ss3638996239, ss3639500353 NC_000012.9:55813549:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
129738, ss111987648, ss159966305, ss168351637, ss169947821, ss175138884, ss198233241, ss208321558, ss244271822, ss255145060, ss281410513, ss291257998, ss410892417, ss479487129, ss825360828, ss1599244368, ss1713330503, ss3642959256, ss3847451846 NC_000012.10:55813549:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
57922912, 32159238, 22759611, 2977488, 14349048, 34179324, 12339754, 819011, 217101, 14978281, 30370565, 8075545, 64474349, 32159238, 7138177, ss225770824, ss235947737, ss242504773, ss479491119, ss479930994, ss484543084, ss491469933, ss536682835, ss563187491, ss658746833, ss778379662, ss780680979, ss782718178, ss783354276, ss783685800, ss831969681, ss832681293, ss833271982, ss833834634, ss989570841, ss1078487031, ss1345168614, ss1426944054, ss1576304638, ss1628666842, ss1671660875, ss1752074535, ss1752074536, ss1807261754, ss1917875441, ss1932936351, ss1946341054, ss1959439488, ss1967597414, ss2027217881, ss2155559191, ss2628090338, ss2632964042, ss2632964043, ss2632964044, ss2699904070, ss2710763121, ss2910951756, ss2984981173, ss2985617994, ss3009753478, ss3021435973, ss3350081403, ss3626887615, ss3626887616, ss3630972955, ss3633021769, ss3633722817, ss3634507561, ss3634507562, ss3635413548, ss3636192308, ss3637164540, ss3637965874, ss3640214894, ss3640214895, ss3644594030, ss3651813850, ss3653751123, ss3677021363, ss3739054889, ss3744397466, ss3744808232, ss3744808233, ss3750524936, ss3772307672, ss3772307673, ss3833141683, ss3840140351, ss3878353585, ss3927001930, ss3984667608, ss3985593084, ss4017591104, ss5206505042, ss5237512207, ss5315623446, ss5405879620, ss5624302665, ss5653230002, ss5799873329, ss5838017381, ss5847409684, ss5847672227, ss5944592353, ss5979392768 NC_000012.11:57527282:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
76023676, 408480780, 823439, 28398378, 916506, 90191299, 135188857, 10258743709, ss2190099101, ss3027417729, ss3649845495, ss3693745513, ss3725329715, ss3771695037, ss3815855307, ss3845626993, ss3972020377, ss4919643200, ss5290946693, ss5485681679, ss5588497741, ss5756354195, ss5813331199, ss5850397311, ss5904544340 NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
ss18792213, ss19002853 NT_029419.10:19670588:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
ss38947144, ss66764959, ss66925079, ss67075748, ss70391433, ss70522973, ss71052326, ss75769611, ss85082117, ss97312027, ss121456909, ss137429511, ss152955057, ss157513030, ss159168744, ss169817033, ss171123827 NT_029419.12:19670588:T:C NC_000012.12:57133499:T:C (self)
10258743709 NC_000012.12:57133499:T:G NC_000012.12:57133499:T:G (self)

Publications tab displays PubMed articles citing the variation as a listing of PMID, Title, Author, Year, Journal, ordered by Year, descending.

27 citations for rs11172113
PMID Title Author Year Journal
20357209 Molecular genetic studies of gene identification for osteoporosis: the 2009 update. Xu XH et al. 2010 Endocrine reviews
21537384 LRP-1 variation is not associated with risk of Alzheimer's disease. Chalmers KA et al. 2010 International journal of molecular epidemiology and genetics
21666692 Genome-wide association study reveals three susceptibility loci for common migraine in the general population. Chasman DI et al. 2011 Nature genetics
21946350 Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function. Soler Artigas M et al. 2011 Nature genetics
22072275 Genetics of migraine in the age of genome-wide association studies. Schürks M et al. 2012 The journal of headache and pain
22379397 Genetics of recurrent vertigo and vestibular disorders. Gazquez I et al. 2011 Current genomics
22424883 Genome-wide association study of lung function decline in adults with and without asthma. Imboden M et al. 2012 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
23055711 Updates on the COPD gene list. Bossé Y et al. 2012 International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
23294458 Replication and meta-analysis of common variants identifies a genome-wide significant locus in migraine. Esserlind AL et al. 2013 European journal of neurology
24021092 PRDM16 rs2651899 variant is a risk factor for Chinese common migraine patients. An XK et al. 2013 Headache
24674449 A replication study of GWAS findings in migraine identifies association in a Swedish case-control sample. Ran C et al. 2014 BMC medical genetics
24852292 Selectivity in genetic association with sub-classified migraine in women. Chasman DI et al. 2014 PLoS genetics
25093840 Common genetic determinants of lung function, subclinical atherosclerosis and risk of coronary artery disease. Sabater-Lleal M et al. 2014 PloS one
25667298 The association between candidate migraine susceptibility loci and severe migraine phenotype in a clinical sample. Esserlind AL et al. 2016 Cephalalgia
26031789 Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 and 6 gene variants and ischaemic stroke risk. Harriott AM et al. 2015 European journal of neurology
26747084 Genetic studies of Polish migraine patients: screening for causative mutations in four migraine-associated genes. Domitrz I et al. 2016 Human genomics
26800698 Case-control study of GRIA1 and GRIA3 gene variants in migraine. Fang J et al. 2015 The journal of headache and pain
28209224 Systematic Evaluation of Pleiotropy Identifies 6 Further Loci Associated With Coronary Artery Disease. Webb TR et al. 2017 Journal of the American College of Cardiology
29397368 A Genome-Wide Association Study Finds Genetic Associations with Broadly-Defined Headache in UK Biobank (N=223,773). Meng W et al. 2018 EBioMedicine
29871630 A candidate gene identification strategy utilizing mouse to human big-data mining: "3R-tenet" in COPD genetic research. Vishweswaraiah S et al. 2018 Respiratory research
30142673 Metabolic Determinants of Impaired Pulmonary Function in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Röhling M et al. 2018 Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes
30904033 Association between PRDM16, MEF2D, TRPM8, LRP1 gene polymorphisms and migraine susceptibility in the She ethnic population in China. Fu X et al. 2019 Clinical and investigative medicine. Medecine clinique et experimentale
31307206 Risk factors and psychological impact of syncope in migraine patients. Kuan AS et al. 2019 Cephalalgia
31505242 Could rs4379368 be a genetic marker for North Indian migraine patients with aura?: Preliminary evidence by a replication study. Kaur S et al. 2019 Neuroscience letters
34588893 PRDM16, LRP1 and TRPM8 genetic polymorphisms are risk factor for Pakistani migraine patients. Zafar R et al. 2021 Saudi journal of biological sciences
35128049 Migraine, Stroke, and Cervical Arterial Dissection: Shared Genetics for a Triad of Brain Disorders With Vascular Involvement. Daghals I et al. 2022 Neurology. Genetics
35454329 Deciphering the Role of the rs2651899, rs10166942, and rs11172113 Polymorphisms in Migraine: A Meta-Analysis. Siokas V et al. 2022 Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)

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