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Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Contrapositive logic suggests space radiation not having a strong impact on mortality of US astronauts and Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

Cumulative incidence and survival curves for specific causes of death among US astronauts, 1959–2018. The upper panel shows the cumulative incidence from multiple causes when computed from naïve K-M survival estimates. The four middle panels provide naïve K-M and properly computed competing risk survival curves by cause. The bottom panel shows cumulative incidence curves by cause derived from competing risk survival curves.

Robert J. Reynolds, et al. Sci Rep. 2019;9:8583.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Contrapositive logic suggests space radiation not having a strong impact on mortality of US astronauts and Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

Cumulative incidence and survival curves for specific causes of death among Soviet and Russian cosmonauts, 1960–2017. The upper panel shows the cumulative incidence from multiple causes when computed from naïve K-M survival estimates. The four middle panels provide naïve K-M and properly computed competing risk survival curves by cause. The bottom panel shows cumulative incidence curves by cause derived from competing risk survival curves.

Robert J. Reynolds, et al. Sci Rep. 2019;9:8583.

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