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Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

The quantile plot showing the normality of the Log10 peptide intensity values of HPR. The dashed red lines define an ideal Gaussian or Normal distribution

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

The Ovarian Cancer STRING network where Chi Square χ2 ≥ 15 from fully tryptic peptides. Ovarian Cancer tryptic peptide frequency difference > 15 and χ2 value > 15 at degrees of freedom of 1 (p < 0.0001). Network Stats: number of nodes, 173; number of edges, 260; average node degree, 3.01; avg. local clustering coefficient, 0.378; expected number of edges, 206; PPI enrichment p-value, 0.000175

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

The Ovarian Cancer STRING network where Chi Square χ2 ≥ 15 from fully tryptic phospho peptides. Ovarian Cancer STYP, frequency difference > 15 and χ2 value > 15 at degrees of freedom of 1 (p < 0.0001). Network Information: number of nodes, 191; number of edges, 182; average node degree, 1.91; avg. local clustering coefficient, 0.335; expected number of edges, 152; PPI enrichment p-value, 0.00911

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

Quantile plots of the corrected difference in observation frequency (Delta) and Chi Square values of the ovarian cancer (i.e. disease treatment) versus control as indicated. The difference of ovarian cancer (n ≥ 10) versus each of the female normal (n ≥ 5) using the Quantile plot tended to zero (see red line). Similar results were obtained by comparison to breast cancer or other controls (not shown). a Tryptic peptide corrected difference (delta) in observation frequency; b tryptic peptide Chi Square χ2; c tryptic and/or STYP the corrected difference (delta) in observation frequency; d tryptic and/or STYP peptide Chi Square χ2

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.
Fig. 6

Fig. 6. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

The variation in apparently cellular proteins in plasma across the clinical treatments. Treatment ID numbers: 1, Alzheimer normal; 2, Alzheimer normal control STYP; 3, Alzheimer’s dementia; 4, Alzheimer’s dementia STYP; 5, Cancer breast; 6, Cancer_breast STYP; 7, Cancer control; 8, Cancer control STYP; 9, Cancer ovarian; 10, Cancer ovarian STYP; 11, Ice Cold; 12, Ice Cold STYP; 13, Heart attack Arterial; 14 Heart attack Arterial_STYP; 15, Heart attack normal control, 16, Heart attack normal Control STYP; 17, Heart attack; 18, Heart attack STYP; 19, Multiple Sclerosis normal control; 20, Multiple Sclerosis normal control STYP; Multiple Sclerosis; 22, Multiple Sclerosis STYP, 23 Sepsis; 24, Sepsis STYP; 25, Sepsis normal control; 26, Sepsis normal control STYP. The ANOVA analysis of the proteins shown across treatments produced a significant F Statistic for means comparisons by Tukey–Kramer means comparison that showed a significant difference between ovarian cancer or ovarian cancer STYP (see Additional file : Table S1, Additional file : Table S2 for Tukey–Kramer results for each protein shown). STYP: serine, threonine, tyrosine phosphorylation. Note that many proteins were not detected in the ice cold plasma

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.
Fig. 5

Fig. 5. From: The plasma peptides of ovarian cancer.

The variation in known plasma proteins across the clinical treatments. Treatment ID numbers: 1, Alzheimer normal; 2, Alzheimer normal control STYP; 3, AlzHeimer’s dementia; 4, Alzheimer’s dementia STYP; 5, Cancer breast; 6, Cancer breast_STYP; 7, Cancer_control; 8, Cancer control STYP; 9, Cancer ovarian; 10, Cancer ovarian_STYP; 11, Ice Cold; 12, Ice Cold STYP; 13, Heart attack Arterial; 14 Heart attack Arterial STYP; 15, Heart attack normal control, 16, Heart attack normal Control STYP; 17, Heart attack; 18, Heart attack STYP; 19, Multiple Sclerosis normal control; 20, Multiple Sclerosis normal control STYP; Multiple Sclerosis; 22, Multiple Sclerosis STYP, 23 Sepsis; 24, Sepsis STYP; 25, Sepsis normal control; 26, Sepsis normal control STYP. The ANOVA analysis of the proteins shown across treatments produced a significant F Statistic for means comparisons by Tukey–Kramer HSD test that showed significant differences between ovarian cancer or ovarian cancer STYP, versus the normal female control and/or breast cancer (see Additional file : Table S1, Additional file : Table S2 for Tukey–Kramer results for each protein shown). STYP: serine, threonine, tyrosine phosphorylation. Note that many proteins were not detected in the ice cold plasma

Jaimie Dufresne, et al. Clin Proteomics. 2018;15:41.

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