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Fig 5

Fig 5. Factor loading plots for standards.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

The factor loading plot for PLS regression model for IAA, SA, Kinetin and GA.

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 3

Fig 3. Prediction plot analysis.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

Prediction plot for the cross validation test (30% standard solution) of IAA, SA, Kinetin and GA as an external validation.

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 6

Fig 6. NIRS data spectra for samples.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

NIRS data spectra for IAA and GA and 13 different populations of Boswellia sacra. Samples are processed after 1st derivative functions with Savitzky-Golay smoothing.

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 2

Fig 2. NIRS data based regression analysis.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

NIRS data spectra based PLS regression plot for IAA, SA, kinetin and GA with data inclusion for calibration set (70% standard solution).

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 4

Fig 4. NIRS data spectra of populations.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

NIRS data spectra for IAA, SA, Kinetin and GA and 13 different populations of B. sacra samples. The figure elucidates the scattering effect due to absorbance without preprocessing on wavelength range from 10000 to 4000 cm-1.

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 1

Fig 1. Sampling collection area.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

Map of the Sultanate of Oman showing the sample collected from the hot-spot areas of B. sacra population. All the rhizospheric samples were collected from three different locations, with same climatic conditions. The map for sample collection was made in ArcGIS v9.3.1 (Redlands, CA, USA; http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/eval-help/arcgis-931).

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.
Fig 7

Fig 7. Endogenous phytohormonal quantification.. From: Endogenous phytohormones of frankincense producing Boswellia sacra tree populations.

Phytohormonal quantification (IAA, SA, Kinetin and GA) throught advanced chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques such as LC-ESI-QTOF and GC-MS/SIM. The values are representative of three replications with standard error. One-Way ANOVA analysis were performed with repeated measures using Tukey test by GraphPad Prism 6.01v (USA). *** showed values are p<0.0001; ** showed values are p<0.001; * showed values are p<0.05.

Abdul Latif Khan, et al. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0207910.

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