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FIGURE 1. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Comparison of reaction times and accuracy rates to two- and four-syllable phoneme tasks between single-sided deafness (SSD) and normal hearing control cohorts. (A,B) Reaction times and accuracy rates, respectively, are indistinguishable. ms, milliseconds; error bars, standard error of the mean.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

FIGURE 4. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Tract-based spatial statistics for medial diffusivity (MD). Widespread tracts with increased MD in SSD patients compared to control subjects (red) are superimposed on the skeleton (green) of tracts common to both cohorts. The z coordinate in the MNI space for each axial section is noted at bottom.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

FIGURE 5. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Tract-based spatial statistics for radial diffusivity (RD). Widespread tracts with increased RD in SSD patients compared to control subjects (red) are superimposed on the skeleton (green) of tracts common to both cohorts. The z coordinate in the MNI space for each axial section is noted at bottom.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

FIGURE 3. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Tract-based spatial statistics for fractional anisotropy (FA). Widespread tracts with decreased FA in SSD patients compared to control subjects (blue) are superimposed on the skeleton (green) of tracts common to both cohorts. The z coordinate in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space for each axial section is noted at bottom. L, left; R, right.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

FIGURE 6. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Relationship between functional and structural differences in single-sided deafness (SSD). In the SSD cohort, tracts with decreased FA are subjacent to cortical regions with decreased activation during performance of the auditory working memory task (gamma band, time window 375 ms). The z and x coordinates in the MNI space are shown at the bottom of axial and sagittal images. (A) Axial. (B) Sagittal.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

FIGURE 2. From: Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity in Adult Onset Single-Sided Deafness.

Induced theta band (4–8 Hz) and gamma band (30–50 Hz) neural oscillations during syllable encoding in normal hearing control and single-sided deafness (SSD) cohorts, and differences between the two cohorts. (A) Theta and (B) gamma band oscillations show similar recruitment of cortical regions in the two cohorts (left and middle columns). For within group contrasts, warm colors indicate increased magnitude relative to a pre-stimulus baseline in the theta band and cool colors indicate increased magnitude relative to a pre-stimulus baseline in the gamma band. (A) SSD cohort has increased recruitment (right column) of higher order auditory cortex in the theta band. (B) SSD cohort has decreased recruitment attention and working memory networks (frontal, parietal, and occipital cortical regions) in the gamma band. In SSD and control cohort contrasts, warm colors in the theta band indicate regions where activity is increased in SSD and cool colors in the gamma band indicate regions where activity is decreased in SSD. ms, milliseconds.

Yingying Shang, et al. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018;12:474.

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