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Figure 1

Figure 1. This schematic summarizes the main surgical mechanisms of reconstruction (flap, lipofilling/fat grafting, implant placement). From: Breast cancer recurrence after reconstruction: know thine enemy.

These can be performed in isolation, but are often used together as combination surgery.

Elizabeth A. Brett, et al. Oncotarget. 2018 Jun 12;9(45):27895-27906.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Breakdown 5 potential biochemical mechanisms which may cause relapse, and a chart of up/down -regulated pro-cancer factors (up = grey, ‘+’, down = white, ‘−’). From: Breast cancer recurrence after reconstruction: know thine enemy.

Pro-cancer factors (diagonal, bottom of chart) were selected based on the 6 commonly accepted hallmarks of cancer (diagonal, top of chart) [–]. Taken in totality, it is noted that the wounds and dermal reservoirs possess the most potential relapse mechanisms, with most upregulated options for oncogenic signaling. Adipocytes and ASCs have the fewest upregulated pro-cancer genes. References for cancer and relapse literature are numbered within the table.

Elizabeth A. Brett, et al. Oncotarget. 2018 Jun 12;9(45):27895-27906.

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