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Figure 2

Figure 2. Glucose uptake was measured in control and CFS myotubes after treatment. From: Pharmacological activation of AMPK and glucose uptake in cultured human skeletal muscle cells from patients with ME/CFS.

(A) 2 mM metformin for 16 h. Open bar: untreated, closed bar: insulin treatment, hatched bar: metformin treatment. (B) 0.1 and 1 µM 991 for 2 h. Open bar: untreated, closed bar: insulin treatment, hatched bar: 0.1 µM 991, grey bar: 1 µM 991. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.0005. n=7 controls and 8 CFS assayed at least in duplicate.

Audrey E. Brown, et al. Biosci Rep. 2018 Jun 29;38(3):BSR20180242.
Figure 3

Figure 3. Cellular ATP content measured in control and CFS myotubes after treatment. From: Pharmacological activation of AMPK and glucose uptake in cultured human skeletal muscle cells from patients with ME/CFS.

(A) 2 mM metformin for 16 h. (B) 1 µM 991 for 2 h. Open bar: untreated, closed bar: treated. Data were normalized to untreated. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. n=7 control and 8 CFS assayed in duplicate.

Audrey E. Brown, et al. Biosci Rep. 2018 Jun 29;38(3):BSR20180242.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Phosphorylation of AMPKThr172 was assessed by Western blot of myotubes after treatment. From: Pharmacological activation of AMPK and glucose uptake in cultured human skeletal muscle cells from patients with ME/CFS.

(A) 2 mM metformin for 16 h (B) 1 µM 991 for 2 h. Densitometry is expressed as a ratio of phosphorylated to total protein. Open bar: untreated, closed bar: treated. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. n=7 controls and 8 CFS.

Audrey E. Brown, et al. Biosci Rep. 2018 Jun 29;38(3):BSR20180242.

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