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Figure 2.

Figure 2. From: Introducing a new method to assess vision: Computer-adaptive contrast-sensitivity testing predicts visual functioning better than charts in multiple sclerosis patients.

Adaptive contrast-sensitivity function and standard letter charts.
CSFAcuity: acuity from contrast-sensitivity function at 100% contrast; AULCSF: area under the log contrast sensitivity function (for details, see the Methods section); VA30 cm: high-contrast visual acuity at 30 cm; VA5 m: high-contrast visual acuity at 5 m. Sloan 1.25% and 2.5%: correct letters on Sloan charts with 2.5% and 1.25% contrast.

JP Stellmann, et al. Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2015 Jan-Dec;1:2055217315596184.
Figure 1.

Figure 1. From: Introducing a new method to assess vision: Computer-adaptive contrast-sensitivity testing predicts visual functioning better than charts in multiple sclerosis patients.

Overview quick contrast-sensitivity function (qCSF)-examination.
(a) Photograph of three bandpass-filtered Sloan letters presented on a 46-inch computer screen at a viewing distance of 4.5 m; (b) Schematic of the contrast-sensitivity function (CSF); x-axis represents spatial frequencies i.e. decreasing size of the letters; y-axis represents decreasing contrast; red line: CSF, light red area: confidence interval of the CSF, blue area: area under the log CSF (AULCSF). (c), (d) – Example of qCSF results from a patient with a first optic neuritis, unaffected left eye (c) with a visual acuity at 5 m = 1.0, (d) acute optic neuritis left eye with a visual acuity of 0.66.

JP Stellmann, et al. Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2015 Jan-Dec;1:2055217315596184.
Figure 3.

Figure 3. From: Introducing a new method to assess vision: Computer-adaptive contrast-sensitivity testing predicts visual functioning better than charts in multiple sclerosis patients.

Association of visual tests and patient-reported visual function.
(a) Barplot with sums of R2 values for NEIVFQ subscales (b) Table/heat map showing R2 values after Bonferroni correction (n.s. = not significant).
R2 from linear models with a polynomial fitting to adjust skewed distribution of tests and corrected for gender and age. P values corrected for multiple testing according to Bonferroni. All: R2 values from a linear model including all visual tests as reference for ceiling effect. NEIVFQ: National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire; min: minimal/worse eye values; max: maximal/better eye values; CSFAcuity: acuity from contrast-sensitivity function; AULCSF: area under the log contrast-sensitivity function (for details, see the Methods section); VA30 cm: high-contrast visual acuity at 30 cm; VA5 m: high-contrast visual acuity at 5 m. Sloan: sum of correct letters at, 2.5 and 1.25% contrast charts, Sloan 2.5 and Sloan 1.25: correct letters for single-contrast levels.

JP Stellmann, et al. Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2015 Jan-Dec;1:2055217315596184.

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