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FIG 5. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Morphological changes accompanying differential intracellular PHB accumulation. Transmission electron microscopy of wild-type and mmgRΔ33–51 bacteria demonstrated that under conditions of C/N overbalance, stationary-phase mmgRΔ33–51 cells are longer and accumulate a higher number of irregularly shaped PHB granules than the wild-type cells do. The control image corresponds to wild-type bacteria during the exponential phase of growth in RDM, when almost no PHB would be expected to be synthesized. The scale bars indicate a length of 0.25 μm.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 7. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Evidence of posttranscriptional regulation of phasins PhaP1 and PhaP2. The comparative abundances of phasins PhaP1 and PhaP2 and their corresponding mRNAs between the S. meliloti 2011 wild-type and mmgRΔ33–51 strains during the stationary phase of growth in RDM are shown. The results are expressed as the average for three biological replicates ± SD. The dashed line indicates the threshold of the M value that was set to consider a certain protein or mRNA as overexpressed in the mutant strain.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 6. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Altered PhaP2 expression in mmgRΔ33–51 mutant cells. SDS-PAGE-based comparative proteomic profiling of the S. meliloti 2011 wild-type and mmgRΔ33–51 strains during the stationary phase of growth in RDM is shown. PhaP2 was identified by mass spectrometry (Orbitrap) (see Materials and Methods) as the major protein component of the material extracted from the band indicated with an arrow. The image shows one representative electrophoretic profile among three repetitions with comparable results. The molecular masses of the reference bands are given on the left side of the image.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 1. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Partial sequence exchange at the internal conserved core of mmgR and the predicted impact on the secondary structure of MmgR. (a) The mmgR locus and scheme of the mutational approach that was followed to construct the mmgRΔ33–51 allele. The asterisks indicate the fully conserved positions revealed by multiple-sequence alignment of homologous alphaproteobacterial sequences performed previously (). (b and c) Secondary structure predicted with the Mfold server () for the MmgR (b) and MmgRΔ33–51 (c) sRNAs. The sequence replaced in the wild-type sRNA and the sequence introduced in the mutant MmgRΔ33–51 sRNA are highlighted in gray. The asterisk indicates that the corresponding mutant stem-loop (SL) structure is predicted to be shorter than that of the wild type.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 2. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Differential growth yield (OD600) between S. meliloti 2011 wild-type and mmgRΔ33–51 mutant strains at the stationary phase of growth in RDM. (a) ○, S. meliloti 2011 wild-type strain; △, S. meliloti 2011 mmgRΔ33–51 strain. Curves with solid or dashed lines represent the culture optical density at 600 nm (OD600) or viable cell count kinetics, respectively. Each curve represents the average from three independent cultures ± SD. The experiment was repeated three times with essentially the same results. (b) OD600 kinetics of cultures in which IPTG was added at an OD600 of 1.6 (right panel) and of noninduced cultures (left panel). The arrow indicates the time point at which IPTG was added to the cultures. 2011, wild-type strain. Each curve represents the average from three independent cultures ± SD. The error bars corresponding to SD values lower than 0.1 OD600 unit might not be visible in the plot. The experiment was repeated twice with essentially the same results.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 4. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Limitation of PHB accumulation under conditions of N starvation and surplus C set by the expression of MmgR in S. meliloti. (a) ○, S. meliloti 2011 wild-type strain; △, S. meliloti 2011 mmgRΔ33–51 strain. Curves with solid lines or dashed lines represent the OD600 kinetics of cultures performed in RDM with a 6× (C/N ratio, 60:1) or a 3× (C/N ratio, 30:1) overbalanced C/N ratio, respectively. Each curve represents the average from three independent cultures ± SD. (b) Cellular PHB content (arbitrary fluorescence units [AFU]) of bacteria in the exponential and stationary growth phases under balanced (10:1) or 3× (30:1) and 6× (60:1) overbalanced C/N ratios. PHB was determined by flow cytometry with Nile red as the PHB fluorescent stain. The results are the average of the data from three independent cultures ± SD. The values were analyzed statistically by Tukey's multiple-comparison test. Different letters over the bars indicate that the average values differ significantly at a P value of <0.05. The experiments shown for panels a and b were repeated twice with essentially the same results.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

FIG 3. From: Regulation of Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation in Sinorhizobium meliloti by the Trans-Encoded Small RNA MmgR.

Accumulation of higher PHB levels in the mmgRΔ33–51 strain than in the wild-type strain during the stationary phase of growth under C/N overbalance in RDM. (a) Cellular dry weight and cellular protein, glycogen, and PHB contents of wild-type and mmgRΔ33–51 cells at the stationary phase of growth. The results are the average of the data from three independent cultures ± SD. The asterisk indicates that the average value for the mmgRΔ33–51 strain differs significantly from that for the wild-type strain at a P value of <0.05. (b) Cellular PHB contents (arbitrary fluorescence units [AFU]) of the wild-type, mmgRΔ33–51, and mmgRΔ33–51 p-sRNA complemented strains at the stationary phase of growth, as determined by flow cytometric analysis with Nile red as a PHB fluorescent stain. Induction with IPTG of the complemented strains was carried out with cultures having an OD600 of 1.6. The results are the average of the data from three independent cultures ± SD. The values were analyzed statistically by Tukey's multiple-comparison test. Different letters over the bars indicate that the average values differ significantly at a P value of <0.05. The experiment was repeated twice with essentially the same results. (c) Northern blot analysis confirming that the MmgR level in the mmgRΔ33–51 p-MmgR strain is restored to nearly wild-type levels in the stationary growth phase (after 90 h of growth) after IPTG addition at an OD600 of 1.6 (after ca. 30 h of growth). The relative abundance of MmgR (normalized to the signal for the 5S rRNA) in the mmgRΔ33–51 p-MmgR strain relative to that in the wild-type strain is indicated over the image. (d) Frequency distribution of the intracellular PHB contents of S. meliloti 2011 (solid line) and mmgRΔ33–51 (dashed line) cells at the stationary growth phase in RDM (C/N ratio, 30:1). Stationary S. meliloti 2011 cells in RDM with a balanced C/N ratio (10:1) were used as a negative control for PHB accumulation (shaded histogram). The effect of induction of plasmid-borne MmgR, MmgRΔ33–51, asRNA812, and Sm84 over the frequency of intracellular PHB content in an mmgRΔ33–51 background is shown in Fig. S2 in the supplemental material.

Antonio Lagares, et al. J Bacteriol. 2017 Apr 15;199(8):e00776-16.

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