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FIGURE 2. From: Clinical Features of Registry-Ascertained Alcohol Use Disorders that Reflect Familial Risk.

The predicted Excess Number of Cases of Alcohol use disorder per 10,000 Person Years in Monozygotic Cotwins, full-siblings, half-siblings and cousins of Probands with Alcohol use disorder as a Function of the Number of the Proband’s Registrations for Alcohol use disorder.

Kenneth S. Kendler, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. ;164:135-142.

FIGURE 1. From: Clinical Features of Registry-Ascertained Alcohol Use Disorders that Reflect Familial Risk.

The predicted Excess Number of Cases of Alcohol use disorder per 10,000 Person Years in Monozygotic Cotwins, full-siblings, half-siblings and cousins of Probands with Alcohol use disorder as a Function of the Proband’s Age at First Registration for Alcohol use disorder.

Kenneth S. Kendler, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. ;164:135-142.

FIGURE 4. From: Clinical Features of Registry-Ascertained Alcohol Use Disorders that Reflect Familial Risk.

Predicted results from the Linear Hazard Model presented in full in . This figure depicts the predicted Excess Number of Cases of Alcohol use disorder per 10,000 Person Years in Monozygotic Cotwins, full-siblings, half-siblings and cousins of Probands with Alcohol use disorder as a Function of the Proband’s History of Drug Abuse (DA).

Kenneth S. Kendler, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. ;164:135-142.

FIGURE 3. From: Clinical Features of Registry-Ascertained Alcohol Use Disorders that Reflect Familial Risk.

Predicted results from the Linear Hazard Model presented in full in . This figure depicts the predicted Excess Number of Cases of Alcohol use disorder per 10,000 Person Years in Monozygotic Cotwins, full-siblings, half-siblings and cousins of Probands with Alcohol use disorder as a Function of the Proband’s History of Recurrence.

Kenneth S. Kendler, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. ;164:135-142.

FIGURE 5. From: Clinical Features of Registry-Ascertained Alcohol Use Disorders that Reflect Familial Risk.

Predict risk for Alcohol Use Disorder as calculated by logistic regression in Monozygotic Cotwins, full-siblings, half-siblings and cousins of Probands with Alcohol Use Disorder as a Function of the Proband’s Aggregate Familial Risk Estimated from the Model presented in full in . The z-scores for the 5 clinical features were aggregated into one summary measure and divided into 10 equally sized groups. The figure depicts the predicted probability of AUD in relatives for the 10 groups.

Kenneth S. Kendler, et al. Drug Alcohol Depend. ;164:135-142.

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