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Figure 2.

Figure 2. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

Data Process Schema.
Input data types (with standardized names as indicated), computational modules, and outputs are shown. Images are screenshots of color-coded track glyph types (gene models; splice alignments) and track flags (quality scores) displayed in the xGDBvm genome browser.

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.
Figure 5.

Figure 5. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

Genome Context View.
Shown is a typical region from the C. rubella genome annotation described in Results. Genome span is shown in yellow, and genome features (tracks) are as labeled to the left and above each track. Drag-and-drop reorder and “hide track” features are implemented here. Top bar provides search and navigation controls; left bar contains links to tools and views, as well as to configuration and help pages. Region submenu (orange) contains zoom/scroll, region-specific tools, and formatting controls. See for details of xGDBvm tools and features.

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.
Figure 6.

Figure 6. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

Gene Model Improvement Using yrGATE.
(A) A published gene model from C. rubella (Carubv1011418m.g) showing high coverage/low integrity in the Locus Table (upper table, highlighted columns).
(B) Corresponding gene model in genome context view (blue glyph). CpGAT annotated this region as two distinct loci (magenta glyph), backed up by both Arabidopsis protein (black) and cDNA (light blue). The region was then reannotated using yrGATE (dark and light green glyphs) to confirm the most probably genic structure of this region based on available evidence. yrGATE glyphs are color-coded according to the type assigned by the annotator, e.g., dark green (improved structure) and light green (new structure not previously annotated).

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.
Figure 3.

Figure 3. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

xGDBvm Architecture.
An xGDBvm instance, as hosted on the CyVerse Atmosphere cloud infrastructure (https://atmo.iplantcollaborative.org/application), has separate file system partitions under root (containing the xGDBvm Web , scripts, binaries, and other software) and /home/ (which is configured with mount points for the user’s Data Store home directory for data input and a block storage volume for data output). The Agave API, hosted by the CyVerse Discovery Environment, is used for authentication of the via OAuth2 and for management of applications and job submission. A key feature of xGDBvm is the ability to attach and mount the output volume to a different and reconstitute the annotation outputs and display. See text for details.

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.
Figure 4.

Figure 4. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

xGDBvm Data Management.
(A) Screenshot of the GDB Configuration page, set up for processing Example data. Each genome annotation is assigned a unique identifier (GDB001, GDB002, etc.) and a user-provided name. In addition to form fields for input data path, annotation parameters, and metadata, this page provides extensive color-coded information about all system settings (e.g., license keys, storage capacity, and login status, displayed in blue-green), input data validity (light green), and expected output (orange). The form includes buttons that launch modal windows to initiate computational workflow or edit configuration.
(B) Screenshot of Archive/Delete menu, showing genome databases with “Current” (blue; computation complete) or “Development” (gray; not yet run) status. Genome annotations are identified as GDB001, GDB002, etc. Each table row displays information about a GDB including time stamps as well as action buttons that allow the user to drop, delete, archive, delete archive, or copy database (see text for details). Global action buttons (top right) allow the user to delete or archive all data on the .
(C) Screenshot of “List All Jobs” page with tools to monitor and manage remote jobs. The page displays IDs, job metadata, time stamps, color-coded status indicators, and action buttons to manage output (Stop Job, Delete Job, View Logs, Copy Output) via the Agave API. See text for details.

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.
Figure 1.

Figure 1. From: xGDBvm: A Web GUI-Driven Workflow for Annotating Eukaryotic Genomes in the Cloud.

Overview of xGDBvm as Implemented at CyVerse (iPlant).
xGDBvm is a virtual server environment for gene structure annotation that can be cloned, configured, populated with input data, and run from a Web browser in a few steps, as summarized here.
(A) Log in to the CyVerse Atmosphere Control Panel (https://atmo.iplantcollaborative.org/application) (1) and click to create a new instance (cloned copy) of xGDBvm (2), create a block storage volume for output data, and attach it to the instance (3). Open a Web shell interface (4), accessible from the Control Panel, and type a series of commands to set up and configure the new xGDBvm instance, also mounting the Data Store and the attached volume.
(B) Log in to the CyVerse Data Store cloud storage system (https://de.iplantcollaborative.org/de/) and upload input data files to an input data directory (accessible to the ) using a batch uploading tool. Naming conventions are used to identify each input type.
(C) Log in to the xGDBvm instance’s using HTTPS via its unique IP address or using a (1). All subsequent steps are performed using the xGDBvm . Authorize the to connect to remote resources via the Agave API (http://agaveapi.co) (2). Configure the path to Data Store inputs and set other parameters including remote job execution (optional). xGDBvm will validate files, return expected outputs, and flag any input file errors (3). Initiate automated workflows and monitor progress (4). The workflow sends some data remotely for processing on resources (https://www.xsede.org/) managed by Agave APIs and processes other files locally using the attached volume as a scratch disk. The xGDBvm workflow waits for outputs and then proceeds with the annotation process. Output data are written to the external volume and can be accessed from xGDBvm Web browser as GDB001, GDB002, etc. (5). In addition to a fully featured genome browser, xGDBvm includes tools to query, update, reannotate, download, or archive outputs to the user’s Data Store. For details, refer to the xGDBvm wiki (http://goblinx.soic.indiana.edu/wiki/doku.php).

Jon Duvick, et al. Plant Cell. 2016 Apr;28(4):840-854.

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