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Fig 4

Fig 4. The mean and confidence interval of estimated ρ, shown as a single vector.. From: Analysis of Feedback Mechanisms with Unknown Delay Using Sparse Multivariate Autoregressive Method.

The vertical lines represent the positions of true nonzero values. The three panels (top to bottom) respectively show results for three levels of noise: σ = 0.01,0.05,0.1.

Edward H. Ip, et al. PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0131371.
Fig 9

Fig 9. (a) The empirical correlations of SBP and DBP data, where the x-axis is the time lag, τ, and each circle represents the correlation between, for example, SBP t and DBP t − τ.. From: Analysis of Feedback Mechanisms with Unknown Delay Using Sparse Multivariate Autoregressive Method.

Because for a fixed τ there can be multiple ts depending on the availability of data, we can observe multiple circles at some τ.(b) The model-estimated correlations of SBP and DBP data. Because the model estimates are not limited by the availability of data, we have the same number of circles at each τ.

Edward H. Ip, et al. PLoS One. 2015;10(8):e0131371.

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