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Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Integrating Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging for a Referral of Possible Pseudodementia: A Case Report.

Cookie Theft Writing
Handwriting appears fluid and well-formed. Of note is spelling "stall" instead of "stool". Written answers reveal that only basic visual information about the picture was perceived rather than indicating that CL understood the gestalt of the depicted event.

J.J. Tanner, et al. Clin Neuropsychol. ;29(2):272-292.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Integrating Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging for a Referral of Possible Pseudodementia: A Case Report.

Raw and standardized z-score values for cortical and subcortical regions.
Charts in the left column display raw thickness and TICV-corrected gray and white volumetrics by group. Charts in the right column display normative-based (n = 20) z scores for thickness and gray and white volumes corrected for TICV. Charts in the left column display standard deviations for the control group data whereas those in the right column (z scores) display standard error bars.

J.J. Tanner, et al. Clin Neuropsychol. ;29(2):272-292.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Integrating Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging for a Referral of Possible Pseudodementia: A Case Report.

Clock Command/Copy
Command Condition shows executive errors involving incorrect hand placement (she was instructed to set the time to “10 after 11”) and misaligned numbers (particularly 9, 10, and 11) around the circle of the clock face. Copy Condition has the 12 misplaced, slight misalignment in numbers, and despite seeing a clock model with the numbers inside of the face - CL initially perseverates on her original command condition behavior of putting the numbers outside the clock face.

J.J. Tanner, et al. Clin Neuropsychol. ;29(2):272-292.

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