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Figure 4

Figure 4. Effects of Morphine and Clonidine on Carotid Distension.. From: Morphine and Clonidine Combination Therapy Improves Therapeutic Window in Mice: Synergy in Antinociceptive but Not in Sedative or Cardiovascular Effects.

Carotid distension was used as an indirect measure of blood pressure in awake, behaving animals. A. Carotid distension was challenged by intrathecal morphine, clonidine or both. While clonidine (▪) reduced carotid distension in a dose-dependent manner, morphine (•) was ineffective. When the agonists were co-administered at a constant ratio of 1∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine), the potency and efficacy of the combination was not different from that of clonidine given alone. B. Systemically administered clonidine (▪), but not morphine (•), reduced carotid distension in a dose-dependent manner. Neither the potency nor the efficacy of the combination of morphine∶clonidine at a dose ratio of 10∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine) were different from clonidine given alone. Data pictured were obtained 10 minutes following intrathecal (Figure 4A) and 15 minutes following systemic administration (Figure 4B). Error bars represent ±SEM for each dose point (n = 6-10 animals/dose). See for ED50 values. Note: 100% MPE was artificially set at 300 µm for carotid distension (baseline ∼700 µm) to facilitate dose-response and isobolographic analysis.

Laura S. Stone, et al. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109903.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Effects of Morphine and Clonidine in the Tail Flick Antinociception Assay.. From: Morphine and Clonidine Combination Therapy Improves Therapeutic Window in Mice: Synergy in Antinociceptive but Not in Sedative or Cardiovascular Effects.

A: Intrathecally delivered morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) dose-dependently inhibited thermal nociception with similar potency and efficacy. When co-administered at a constant dose ratio of 1∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine), both potency and efficacy were increased. A′: Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 1A. The y-intercept represents the ED50 for morphine and the x-intercept represents the ED50 for clonidine. The lines directed from each ED50 value toward zero represent the lower 95% confidence limits of each ED50. The line connecting these two points is the theoretical additive line. The unfilled circle on the theoretical additive line represents the calculated theoretical ED50 value of the combination if the interaction is additive. The observed combination ED50 (•) was significantly (p<0.05; t-test) lower than the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is synergistic. B. Systemically administered morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) dose-dependently inhibited thermal nociception when administered either alone or in combination at a constant morphine∶clonidine dose ratio of 10∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine). B′: Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 1B. The y-intercept represents the ED50 for morphine and the x-intercept represents the ED50 for clonidine. The observed combination ED50 (•) was significantly (p<0.05; t-test) lower than the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is synergistic. Data pictured were obtained 10 minutes following intrathecal (Figures 1A, A′) and 15 minutes following systemic administration (Figures 1B, B′). Error bars represent ±SEM for each dose point (n = 6–10 animals/dose). See for ED50 values.

Laura S. Stone, et al. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109903.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Effects of Morphine and Clonidine in the Rotarod Sedation Assay.. From: Morphine and Clonidine Combination Therapy Improves Therapeutic Window in Mice: Synergy in Antinociceptive but Not in Sedative or Cardiovascular Effects.

A. Rotarod retention was challenged by intrathecal morphine, clonidine or both. Morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) inhibited rotarod performance in a dose-dependent manner with similar potency. When the agonists were co-administered at a constant ratio of 1∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine), no increases in potency or efficacy were observed. A′. Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 2A. The y-intercept represents the ED50 for morphine and the x-intercept represents the ED50 for clonidine. The lines directed from each ED50 value toward zero represent the lower 95% confidence limits of each ED50. The line connecting these two points is the theoretical additive line. The unfilled circle on the theoretical additive line represents the calculated theoretical ED50 value of the combination if the interaction is additive. The observed combination ED50 (•) is not significantly (p<0.05; t-test) different from the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is additive. B. Systemically administered morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) dose-dependently inhibited rotarod performance when administered alone or in combination at a constant morphine∶clonidine dose ratio of 10∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine). B′. Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 2B. The observed combination ED50 (•) is not significantly (p<0.05; t-test) different than the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is additive. Data pictured were obtained 15 minutes following intrathecal (Figures 2A, A′) and 20 minutes following systemic administration (Figures 2B, B′). Error bars represent ±SEM for each dose point (n = 6–10 animals/dose). See for ED50 values.

Laura S. Stone, et al. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109903.
Figure 3

Figure 3. Effects of Morphine and Clonidine on Heart Rate.. From: Morphine and Clonidine Combination Therapy Improves Therapeutic Window in Mice: Synergy in Antinociceptive but Not in Sedative or Cardiovascular Effects.

A. Heart rate was challenged by intrathecal morphine, clonidine or both. Morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) inhibited heart rate in a dose-dependent manner. When the agonists were co-administered at a constant ratio of 1∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine), no increases in potency or efficacy were observed. A′. Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 3A. The y-intercept represents the ED50 for morphine and the x-intercept represents the ED50 for clonidine. The lines directed from each ED50 value toward zero represent the respective lower 95% confidence limits of each ED50. The line connecting these two points is the theoretical additive line. The unfilled circle on the theoretical additive line represents the calculated theoretical ED50 value of the combination if the interaction is additive. The observed combination ED50 (•) is not significantly (p<0.05; t-test) different from the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is additive. B. Systemically administered morphine (•) and clonidine (▪) dose-dependently inhibited heart rate when administered alone or in combination at a constant morphine∶clonidine dose ratio of 10∶1 (○ morphine; □ clonidine). B′. Isobolographic analysis applied to the data from Figure 3B. The observed combination ED50 (•) is significantly (p<0.05; t-test) higher than the theoretical additive ED50 (○), indicating that the interaction is sub-additive. Data pictured were obtained 10 minutes following intrathecal (Figures 3A, A′) and 15 minutes following systemic administration (Figures 3B, B′). Error bars represent ±SEM for each dose point (n = 6–10 animals/dose). See for ED50 values. Note: 100% MPE was artificially set at 300 beats per minute (baseline ∼800) to facilitate dose-response and isobolographic analysis.

Laura S. Stone, et al. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e109903.

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