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Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Amelogenin–chitosan matrix for human enamel regrowth: effects of viscosity and supersaturation degree.

(a–c) SEM images of the newly grown layer after remineralization in CS-AMEL hydrogel with 1% m/v (a), 2% m/v (b) and 3% m/v (c) chitosan. Insets show the crystal morphology at high magnification. (d) XRD patterns of the newly grown layer after remineralization in CS-AMEL hydrogel with different concentrations of chitosan.

Qichao Ruan, et al. Connect Tissue Res. ;55(0 1):150-154.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Amelogenin–chitosan matrix for human enamel regrowth: effects of viscosity and supersaturation degree.

(a–c) SEM images of the newly grown layer after remineralization in CS-AMEL hydrogel with 5.0 mM (a), 7.5 mM (b) and 10 mM (c) of Ca2+. Insets show the crystal morphology at high magnification. (d) XRD patterns of the newly grown layer remineralized in CS-AMEL hydrogel with different concentrations of Ca2+.

Qichao Ruan, et al. Connect Tissue Res. ;55(0 1):150-154.

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