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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Analysis of Cartilage-Polydioxanone Foil Composite Grafts.

(A) A 0.15 PDS foil. (B–D) PDS foil being used to straighten a curved caudal septum. PDS, polydioxanone.

James H. Kim, et al. Facial Plast Surg. ;29(6):502-505.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: Analysis of Cartilage-Polydioxanone Foil Composite Grafts.

Parametric analysis of flexural stiffness of the composite beam for varying thicknesses of PDS. Commercially available PDS thicknesses: 0.15 mm (perforated), 0.25 mm (unperforated), and 0.5 mm (unperforated). PDS, polydioxanone.

James H. Kim, et al. Facial Plast Surg. ;29(6):502-505.
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: Analysis of Cartilage-Polydioxanone Foil Composite Grafts.

(A) Parametric analysis of cantilever tip deflection for the composite beam with varying thicknesses of PDS. (B) Model of cantilever bending. PDS, polydioxanone.

James H. Kim, et al. Facial Plast Surg. ;29(6):502-505.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: Analysis of Cartilage-Polydioxanone Foil Composite Grafts.

(A) Cartilage-PDS compound graft modeled as a composite beam with two materials. (B) Homogenous beam made of just PDS with transformed cross-sectional geometry that yields a bending stiffness equivalent to the original composite beam. PDS, polydioxanone.

James H. Kim, et al. Facial Plast Surg. ;29(6):502-505.

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