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Figure 4

Figure 4. Heatmap of samples hybridized on the low-density microarrays.. From: Microarray Analysis of Microbiota of Gingival Lesions in Noma Patients.

Figures represent averaged signal intensities fold-changes in the different group comparisons. C: Healthy controls; N: Noma lesion site; Nn: Noma non-lesion site; G: Gingivitis lesion site; Gn: Gingivitis non-lesion site.

Antoine Huyghe, et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 Sep;7(9):e2453.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Heatmap of samples hybridized on phylogenetic microarrays.. From: Microarray Analysis of Microbiota of Gingival Lesions in Noma Patients.

Only probes showing a statistically significant signal between groups (|fold-change| > = 2 and p-value< = 0.05; n = 123) are depicted here. Figures in boxes represent fold-changes. C: Healthy controls; N: Noma lesion site; Nn: Noma non-lesion site; G: Gingivitis lesion site; Gn: Gingivitis non-lesion site.

Antoine Huyghe, et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 Sep;7(9):e2453.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) plots for the bacterial communities assessed by high-density microarrays specific using probes specific of the genus level (A) and by low-density microarrays (B) using all designed probes.. From: Microarray Analysis of Microbiota of Gingival Lesions in Noma Patients.

The analysis was based on the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix constructed using normalized signal intensities for the corresponding probes. Gray line delimitates control group samples.

Antoine Huyghe, et al. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 Sep;7(9):e2453.

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