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Figure 5

Figure 5. Voxel-wise intersections of healthy aging and changes observed in AD in MRI (a) and FDG-PET (b). Colour bars represent the intersection age.. From: Generative FDG-PET and MRI Model of Aging and Disease Progression in Alzheimer's Disease.

AD Alzheimer's disease, FDG-PET [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, MRI structural magnetic resonance imaging.

Juergen Dukart, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1002987.
Figure 3

Figure 3. A linear model of age and MMSE related changes observed in AD in FDG-PET considering the healthy control group as baseline.. From: Generative FDG-PET and MRI Model of Aging and Disease Progression in Alzheimer's Disease.

AD Alzheimer's disease, FDG-PET [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, MMSE Mini Mental State Examination.

Juergen Dukart, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1002987.
Figure 4

Figure 4. A linear model of age and MMSE related changes observed in AD in MRI considering the healthy control group as baseline.. From: Generative FDG-PET and MRI Model of Aging and Disease Progression in Alzheimer's Disease.

AD Alzheimer's disease, MMSE Mini Mental State Examination, MRI structural magnetic resonance imaging.

Juergen Dukart, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1002987.
Figure 6

Figure 6. Positive linear (a) or quadratic (b) relationship observed between age and MMSE in MRI (blue) and FDG-PET (red) in AD patients after removing the variance explained by heathy aging.. From: Generative FDG-PET and MRI Model of Aging and Disease Progression in Alzheimer's Disease.

Only clusters are shown exceeding a significance threshold of pā€Š=ā€Š0.001 uncorrected on voxel level and pā€Š=ā€Š0.05 FWE-corrected on cluster level. AD Alzheimer's disease, FDG-PET [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, MRI structural magnetic resonance imaging.

Juergen Dukart, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1002987.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Schematic representation of voxel-wise age- and symptom severity- related models.. From: Generative FDG-PET and MRI Model of Aging and Disease Progression in Alzheimer's Disease.

a) Schematic representation of age-related changes in one voxel (in %) considering GM volume at the age of 50 years as baseline. b) Schematic representation of changes related to healthy aging (black line) and age-related differences in AD (red line) in one voxel. Intersection age (dotted line) represents the age at which healthy aging in this voxel becomes similar to changes observed in AD. The hinge in the red line (aging in AD) at the intersection point indicates that after the intersection age, according to our assumption of the additive impact of AD related processes to healthy aging, the healthy aging model would apply in AD patients as no pathological processes in terms of atrophy or glucose hypometabolism are longer observable after this time point. c) Decrease (in %) in GM volume observed in an exemplary voxel in AD depending on the constellation of age and symptom severity (MMSE) relative to the baseline provided by healthy aging (violet line). AD Alzheimer's disease, GM grey matter, MMSE Mini Mental State Examination.

Juergen Dukart, et al. PLoS Comput Biol. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1002987.

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