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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Structure of SelA. From: Decameric SelA•tRNASec Ring Structure Reveals Mechanism of Bacterial Selenocysteine Formation.

Overall structure of A. aeolicus SelA. PLPs are represented as sphere models. The 10 subunits are shown in different colors. The disordered regions in the N-terminal domains are colored gray.

Yuzuru Itoh, et al. Science. ;340(6128):75-78.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Catalytic site of SelA. From: Decameric SelA•tRNASec Ring Structure Reveals Mechanism of Bacterial Selenocysteine Formation.

(A) The catalytic site of SelA-ΔN in complex with thiosulfate. PLP and thiosulfate ions (TS1 to TS3) are shown. TS1 mimics the substrate selenophosphate (Se-P). The subunits of the intimate dimer A•B are colored as in , whereas subunit J is colored gray. (B) Docking model of the Ser-ligated terminal tRNASec nucleotide (A76) and Se-P. (C) SelA surface, showing that A76 binds to the boundary of subunits J and A. The docked A76-Ser and G73 of tRNASec are connected through C74-C75.

Yuzuru Itoh, et al. Science. ;340(6128):75-78.
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. The mechanism of Sep-to-Sec conversion. From: Decameric SelA•tRNASec Ring Structure Reveals Mechanism of Bacterial Selenocysteine Formation.

In the waiting state, the PLP forms an internal aldimine with Lys285 (A). The amino group of Ser-tRNASec replaces Lys285 to form an external aldimine (B), followed by deprotonation of the α position of the Ser moiety (C). Lys285 protonates and eliminates the β hydroxyl group to form a 2-aminoacrylyl moiety (D). The nucleophilic addition of selenophosphate generates a Se-phosphorylated Sec moiety (E), which is hydrolyzed to a Sec moiety and a phosphate (F). Lastly, the α position of the Sec moiety is protonated (G), and Sec-tRNASec is released (H).

Yuzuru Itoh, et al. Science. ;340(6128):75-78.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Structure of the SelA•tRNASec complex. From: Decameric SelA•tRNASec Ring Structure Reveals Mechanism of Bacterial Selenocysteine Formation.

(A) Overall structure of A. aeolicus SelA complexed with T. tengcongensis tRNASec (colored brown). (B) Interaction of tRNASec with intimate dimers I•J and A•B (close-up view). The omit Fobs-Fcalc map (3.0 sigma level) of the tRNASec is shown in a blue mesh. The putative position of the CCA region is shown as a dashed line. (C) A schematic diagram of the interaction of tRNASec with dimers I•J and A•B. (D and E) Discrimination of tRNASec from tRNASer by SelA. T. thermophilus tRNASer [PDB ID 1SER ()] was docked to the SelA•tRNASec complex by superimposing the backbone phosphorus atoms of the T arm. The tRNASec surface is complementary to that of the SelA N-terminal domain (D), whereas that of tRNASer is not complementary (E).

Yuzuru Itoh, et al. Science. ;340(6128):75-78.

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