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Fig. 5

Fig. 5. From: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data.

Comparison of cheek lines and projected angle histograms for individuals with flat midface vs. unaffected individuals.

Linda Shapiro, et al. Proc Int Conf Image Anal Process. ;5716:692-700.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data.

3D mesh data. a) Faces of 2 children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome; b) Tops of heads of children with plagiocephaly (left) and brachycephaly (right).

Linda Shapiro, et al. Proc Int Conf Image Anal Process. ;5716:692-700.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data.

a) 2D snapshot of the 3D mesh from front and side views; b) 2.5D depth representation in which the value of each pixel is the height above a cutting plane; c) 1D curved line segment; d) grid of curved line segments.

Linda Shapiro, et al. Proc Int Conf Image Anal Process. ;5716:692-700.
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data.

Most relevant bins of 2D histograms of azimuth and elevation angles of surface normal vectors on 3D head mesh models. As the severity of flatness increases on the side of the head, the peak in the 2D histogram becomes more prominent

Linda Shapiro, et al. Proc Int Conf Image Anal Process. ;5716:692-700.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data.

(a) Example of plagiocephaly. (b) Example of brachycephaly ((a) and (b) are from www.cranialtech.com). (c) Surface normal vectors of points that lie on a flat surface and will create a peak in the 2D angle histogram. (d) Surface normal vectors of points that lie on a more rounded surface and will be spread out in the histogram bins. (e) Azimuth and elevation angles of a 3D surface normal vector.

Linda Shapiro, et al. Proc Int Conf Image Anal Process. ;5716:692-700.

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