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Items: 2

Figure 1

Figure 1. Expression of Csmd1 transcripts that contain exons 1–2 are lost; however, transcripts containing exon 70 persist, albeit at reduced levels, in KO mice.. From: Assessment of Behaviors Modeling Aspects of Schizophrenia in Csmd1 Mutant Mice.

A) Schematic of the mouse Csmd1 genomic locus and Csmd1 transcripts. Exon 1 is on the far right, and exon 70 is on the far left (adapted from UCSC Genome Bioinformatics; http://genome.ucsc.edu). B) Expression of Csmd1 transcripts that include exons 1–2. C) Expression of Csmd1 transcripts that include exon 70. * P<0.05 versus WT.

Margaret G. Distler, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51235.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Behavior in Csmd1 KO mice is normal across multiple behaviors modeling aspects of schizophrenia.. From: Assessment of Behaviors Modeling Aspects of Schizophrenia in Csmd1 Mutant Mice.

A) Startle response did not differ among genotypes. B) There was no significant main effect of genotype on PPI, nor was there a significant interaction between genotype and prepulse intensity. C) During the SI test all mice spent more time in the interaction zone when the target was present versus absent. The total time in the interaction zone did not differ among genotypes, nor was there a significant interaction between genotype and target presence. D) Total consumption of water +2% sucrose did not significantly differ among genotypes in the SP test. E) Sucrose preference did not significantly differ among genotypes. F) Total distance traveled over a one-hour test after treatment with d-amphetamine (2, 4, or 8 mg/kg) did not significantly differ among genotypes.

Margaret G. Distler, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51235.

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