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Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Life or death: developing cortical interneurons make their own decision.

Neuronal number control in the developing nervous system. In the developing PNS, neurons compete for survival factors, such as neurotrophins, provided by targeted cells as a means of attaining optimal innervation. In the developing CNS, there are two proposed models for interneuron cell death. (1) ‘Individual autonomous’ model: interneuron cell death is intrinsically determined within each interneuron precursor in a manner independent from their interactions with other cells; each cell has a probability of Pi to survive; (2) ‘Population autonomous’ model: developing interneurons compete for limited survival signals produced by other interneurons born around the same time; individual neurons affect each other and the population as a whole has a probability of Pi to survive.

Juan Song, et al. EMBO J. 2012 Nov 28;31(23):4373-4374.

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