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Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Improved Prediction of Rat Cortical Bone Mechanical Behavior using Composite Beam Theory to Integrate Tissue Level Properties.

A) The best predictor for failure moment (MF) was the exponentially weighted section modulus. B) The best predictor for bending stiffness (EI) was tissue mineral density (TMD).

Grace Kim, et al. J Biomech. ;45(16):2784-2790.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Improved Prediction of Rat Cortical Bone Mechanical Behavior using Composite Beam Theory to Integrate Tissue Level Properties.

A) Linear regressions for mineral:matrix versus indentation modulus, solid line for y=2.4x+11 and a dashed line for y=4x. B) Analysis of covariance with B-type carbonate substitution as the covariate and diet group as the factor.

Grace Kim, et al. J Biomech. ;45(16):2784-2790.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Improved Prediction of Rat Cortical Bone Mechanical Behavior using Composite Beam Theory to Integrate Tissue Level Properties.

Representative microCT images of Control, NC1, and NC3 right femur cross sections. Colors represent differences in attenuation (Houndsfield Units). Vitamin D deficiency reduced mineralization of the cortical bone particularly in the posterior half of the femurs.

Grace Kim, et al. J Biomech. ;45(16):2784-2790.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Improved Prediction of Rat Cortical Bone Mechanical Behavior using Composite Beam Theory to Integrate Tissue Level Properties.

Mean A) indentation modulus, B) hardness, C) mineral:matrix ratio and D) carbonate substitution by diet group versus tissue age zone. Significantly different from Control (C), NC1 (NC1), NC3 (NC3) within a single tissue age zone. Significantly different from 0 day old tissue (1), 0–14 day old tissue (2), and 15–28 day old tissue (3) within the same group. Error bars indicate standard deviation.

Grace Kim, et al. J Biomech. ;45(16):2784-2790.

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