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Figure 4

Figure 4. Effect of neutrophil on osteolineage cells survival. From: Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

FACS sorted Ly6Gpos neutrophil and Ly6Gneg non neutrophil BM cells were co-cultured either with MC3T3 pre-osteoblast cells or differentiated OB in presence of G-CSF for 3 days. (A) MC3T3 cells apoptosis and (B) differentiated OB apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry after Annexin V staining (X ± SEM; N=3 experiment). (C) Annexin V expression on BM CD45 CD31 Ter119 osteolineage cell from the G-CSF treated control or neutropenic mice (X ± SEM; N=5 mice in each group). *P< 0.05 compared to vehicle; † P< 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; ¶ P > 0.05 compared to vehicle.

Pratibha Singh, et al. Leukemia. ;26(11):2375-2383.
Figure 5

Figure 5. Reactive oxygen production by neutrophils is involved in osteoblastic cells apoptosis. From: Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

(A) Effect of ROS production blockade on G-CSF induced HSPC mobilization. Mice were treated with G-CSF or G-CSF plus NAC and LSK cell mobilization in PB was determined by flow-cytometry. (B) ROS production in G-CSF treated mice BM neutrophil and non-neutrophil cells. (X ± SEM; N= 4 mice). (C) Effect of ROS production blockade on G-CSF mediated oeteolineage cell apoptosis. Mice were treated with G-CSF alone or G-CSF plus NAC and Annexin V expression in CD45CD31Ter119 BM cells was determined by flow cytometry. † P< 0.05 compared to G-CSF; *P< 0.05 compared to Ly6Gpos vehicle (PBS); ¶ P< 0.05 compared to PBS treated Ly6Gneg cells.

Pratibha Singh, et al. Leukemia. ;26(11):2375-2383.
Figure 3

Figure 3. SDF-1 production from osteolineage cells was inversely correlated with neutrophil cell number. From: Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

(A) Effect of Ly6GposCD115 neutrophil or Ly6Gneg non-neutrophil cells on SDF-1 production by MC3T3 cells, a pre-osteoblast and (B) by differentiated OB. FACS sorted Ly6Gpos neutrophil and Ly6Gneg non neutrophil BM cells were co-cultured with pre-osteoblast or with differentiated OB in presence of G-CSF for 3 days and SDF-1 expression in MCET3 cells was determined by Q-RT-PCR and SDF-1 levels in culture supernatant was measured in by ELISA (X ± SEM; N=3 experiments). (C) FACS sorted Ly6Gpos BM neutrophils were co-cultured at different ration with pre-osteoblast cells in presence of G-CSF for 3 days and SDF-1 was measured in culture supernatant by ELISA (X ± SEM; N=2 experiment). *P< 0.05 compared to vehicle; † P< 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; § P > 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; ¶ P > 0.05 compared to vehicle.

Pratibha Singh, et al. Leukemia. ;26(11):2375-2383.
Figure 1

Figure 1. G-CSF mediated HSPC mobilization in neutrophil depleted mice. From: Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

Mice were treated with single dose of anti-Gr1 antibody or IgG isotype control antibody on day 1 of a 3 day G-CSF mobilization. (A) Ly6G+ CD115 neutrophils in BM and manual differential neutrophil counts (200 cells/slide) on Wright-Geimsa-stained cytospins (insert) (B) SLAM LSK and LSK cells in the PB of IgG isotype plus G-CSF or anti-Gr1 plus G-CSF treated mice. (C) Spearman’s rank correlation between the number of BM neutrophils and PB LSK cells. (D) SLAM LSK and LSK in the BM of G-CSF treated control or neutropenic mice. (E) Competitive transplantation of repopulating HSC using equal volumes of PB from G-CSF treated control or neutropenic mice (CD45.2 C57BL/6) in combination 2 × 105 BM competitor cells from CD45.1 BoyJ mice. Donor chimerism was measured by flow cytometry in peripheral blood at 6 months after transplantation. (F) Donor derived SLAM LSK cell number in BM of transplanted mice at 6 month (X ± SEM; N= ≥ 5 mice per group). *P< 0.05 compared to vehicle; † P< 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; § P > 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF.

Pratibha Singh, et al. Leukemia. ;26(11):2375-2383.

Figure 2. Effect of neutrophils depletion on BM osteolineage cells in G-CSF treated mice. From: Expansion of bone marrow neutrophils following G-CSF administration in mice results in osteolineage cell apoptosis and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

Mice were treated with G-CSF for 3 days and neutrophils were depleted by single injection of anti-Gr1 antibody on day 1 of the G-CSF regime. (A) Left: Representative photomicrographs show endosteal OB after H&E staining and graph show average OB counts per 400× field and Right: Bone associated cells were recovered from the femurs and tibiae of mice by flushing and treating with collagenase type 1 and CD45 CD31 Ter119 gated cell population quantitated by flow cytometry. (B) MPC enriched Sca-1+Alcam cells and OB enriched Sca-1Alcam+ cells in the collagenase treated BM fraction was determined by flow cytometry (X ± SEM; N=3 per group in each of 2 experiment). (C) SDF-1 and VCAM-1 m-RNA expression relative to β-actin in CD45 CD31 Ter119 enriched BM cells harvested from G-CSF treated control or neutropenic mice (X ± SEM; N=4 per group) (D) SDF-1, and SCF in the BM extracellular fluid of G-CSF treated control or neutrophil depleted mice as measured by ELISA (X ± SEM; N=3 per group in each of 2 experiment). (E) Effect of anti-Ly6G antibody plus G-CSF administration on BM Ly6G+ CD115 neutrophil and Ly6G CD115+ F4/80+ macrophage and on (F) CD45 CD31 Ter119 osteolineage cells in the BM, analyzed by flow cytometry (X ± SEM; N=4 per group). *P< 0.05 compared to vehicle; † P< 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; § P > 0.05 compared to isotype plus G-CSF; ¶ P > 0.05 compared to vehicle.

Pratibha Singh, et al. Leukemia. ;26(11):2375-2383.

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