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Figure 2.

Figure 2. From: Primate communication in the pure ultrasound.

The 60 dB high-frequency limits of strepsirrhine and haplorhine primates. Boxes represent the interquartile range between the first and third quartiles and the line inside represents the median. Whiskers denote the lowest and highest values, excepting Tarsius syrichta. At ca 91 kHz, T. syrichta is substantially higher than other primate species [,,].

Marissa A. Ramsier, et al. Biol Lett. 2012 Aug 23;8(4):508-511.
Figure 1.

Figure 1. From: Primate communication in the pure ultrasound.

Philippine tarsier and its auditory and acoustic capabilities. (a) Tarsius syrichta in its natural habitat, Mindanao, Philippines. (b) Representative ABR waveform series for 45 kHz stimuli. (c) Average audiogram and standard error of six individuals; the high-frequency limit was extrapolated from the thresholds at 45 and 64 kHz. (d) Spectrogram of vocalization shows the call duration (approx. 650 ms) and dominant frequency (approx. 70 kHz); signal intensity is represented by the density of the red–black scale (hear electronic supplementary material, sound file S1, available online).

Marissa A. Ramsier, et al. Biol Lett. 2012 Aug 23;8(4):508-511.

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