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Items: 2

Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Multiple Mediators of the Relations Between Caregiving Stress and Depressive Symptoms.

Multiple mediation model depicting relations between primary stressors, multiple mediators, and depressive symptoms. Graphic A depicts the total effect of problem behaviors on depressive symptoms. Graphic B depicts the direct effect of problem behaviors on depressive symptoms after including mediators. Note. Values represent unstandardized regression coefficients ± standard error. * p < .05

Brent T Mausbach, et al. Aging Ment Health. ;16(1):27-38.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Multiple Mediators of the Relations Between Caregiving Stress and Depressive Symptoms.

Multiple mediation model depicting relations between secondary stress, multiple mediators, and depressive symptoms. Graphic A depicts the total effect of role overload on depressive symptoms. Graphic B depicts the direct effect of role overload on depressive symptoms after including mediators. Note. Values represent unstandardized regression coefficients ± standard error. * p < .05.

Brent T Mausbach, et al. Aging Ment Health. ;16(1):27-38.

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