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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Representative photomicrographs of immunohistochemical staining for γ-synuclein in human ovarian tissue by immunofluorescence over the range 500 nm - 540 nm for fluorescein (green) and 624 nm - 707 nm for PI (red). From: Expression of ERα, its ERαΔ3 Splice Variant and γ-SYNUCLEIN in Ovarian Cancer: A Pilot Study.

(A) A high-grade serous adenocarcinoma (OV8). (B) A borderline mucinous ovarian cancer (OV3). (C) Epithelial cells at high magnification from a borderline mucinous ovarian cancer (OV3). (D) A borderline mucinous ovarian cancer (OV3) showing adjacent blood vessels. (E) Blood vessel at high magnification showing the majority of immunofluorescence was in the apical endothelial cells surrounding the blood vessel lumen. (F) Immunofluorescent image of blood vessel at high magnification superimposed on corresponding image derived using differential interference contrast microscopy. Scale bar: 20 μm.

Karen T. Cheung, et al. Br J Med Med Res. ;1(4):430-444.

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