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Figure 5

Figure 5. Multiple QTL map of F2 variation in mean MLH1 foci count.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

The subset of chromosomes with significant QTL is shown, with the positions of genotyped markers denoted by ticks along the x-axis.

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Variation in mean MLH1 foci number among M. m. musculus, M. m. castaneus, and M. m. domesticus.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

Mean MLH1 counts (±2 standard errors) were obtained from multiple males for independent wild-derived inbred strains of M. m. musculus (CZECHI/EiJ and PWD/PhJ), M. m. castaneus (CIM and CAST/EiJ), and M. m. domesticus (WSB/EiJ and PERA/EiJ).

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.
Figure 3

Figure 3. Variation in MLH1 foci count among male PWD/PhJ and CAST/EiJ F2 hybrids.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

Mean MLH1 counts (±2 standard errors) are shown for 269 CAST/PWD×CAST/PWD F2 males (black points and error bars) and 7 PWD/CAST×PWD/CAST F2 males (red points and error bars). Positions of the parental mean values along this distribution are shown by dashed horizontal lines.

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.
Figure 4

Figure 4. Results of single QTL mapping for F2 variation in mean MLH1 foci count.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

The LOD curve for each autosome and the X chromosome is displayed. The horizontal red (blue) line corresponds to the autosomal (X chromosome) significance threshold obtained by permutation with α = 0.05. Positions of genotyped markers are indicated by ticks along the x-axis.

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Representative pachytene spermatoctye from an inbred CAST/EiJ male.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

SYCP3, a component of the lateral elements of the synaptonemal complex, is stained in red. Sites of recombination along the synaptonemal complex are denoted by green MLH1 foci. Centromeric proteins targeted by CREST antibodies are in blue. The white arrow points to the heterogametic sex chromosomes. Only MLH1 foci on autosomal bivalents were scored in this study (n = 22 for this image).

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.
Figure 6

Figure 6. Variation in mean MLH1 foci counts (±2 standard errors) between males (blue) and females (green) of inbred CAST, PWD, and inter-subspecific CASTxPWD (CxP) and PWDxCAST (PxC) F1 origin.. From: Genetic Analysis of Genome-Scale Recombination Rate Evolution in House Mice.

Strain means were calculated by pooling MLH1 foci counts over multiple animals (CAST females: data from ; PWD females: 3 animals; CASTxPWD F1 females: 2 animals; PWD males: 10 animals; CAST males: 3 animals; PWD×CAST F1 males: 1 animal; CAST×PWD F1 males: 11 animals).

Beth L. Dumont, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002116.

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