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Figure 7

Figure 7. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Complex of the human serotonin transporter with its substrate. The color scheme of serotonin displays the differential sensitivity of human and Drosophila serotonin transporter (SERT) for serotonin derivatives as dervied from a QSAR study. Blue indicates a higher sensitivity in dSERT, while red indicates a higher sensitivity in hSERT. The QSAR data indicate that the docking pose predicted by RosettaLigand is plausible. From () reprinted with permission from Proteins.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 8

Figure 8. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Design of a novel protein fold. (a) The experimentally determined structure of the Top7 (red) fold displays an rmsd of 1.17 Å with respect to the model that had been previously designed for this protein (blue). (b) In the core of the protein, side chain conformations have been designed to atomic-detail accuracy. From () reprinted with permission from AAAS.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 5

Figure 5. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Crysallographic phase problem. Qian et al. demonstrated that Rosetta-predicted protein models can be used in conjunction with automated molecular replacement algorithms to determine phases for electron density maps. The coordinates of BH3980 from Bacillus halodurans [PDB entry 2hh6 (unpublished), colored red] fit well into the isosurface of the electron density determined by molecular replacement using a Rosetta prediction for T0283 at CASP 7. From () reprinted with permission from Nature.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Kinematic loop closure. (a) The kinematic loop closure algorithm samples φ and ψ angles at the cyan Cα spheres from a residue specific Ramachandran map. The φ and ψ angles at green Cα spheres are determined analytically to close the loop. (b) The energy vs rmsd plot shows accuracies for the prediction of loop conformation better than 1 Å achieved through the improved sampling offered by the kinematic closure protocol. (c) The kinematic closure prediction (blue) closely resembles the crystallographic conformation (cyan). From () reprinted with permission from Nature Methods.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Comparative modeling CASP performance. Raman and colleagues demonstrated that comparative models refined with Rosetta improved upon the best template structure available for several CASP targets, for example, (a) T0492 and (b) T0464. The native structure is colored blue, the best submitted Rosetta model red, and the best template structure green. The Rosetta models for T0492 resulted in atomic-level accuracy for side chains in the core of the protein. For T0464, a 25-residue insertion was predicted which resulted in models that were significantly improved over the best templates available. One of the models was further improved in the model refinement category. From () reprinted with permission from Proteins.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

De novo folding algorithm. Rosetta starts from (a) fragment libraries with sequence-dependent (φ and ψ) angles that capture the local conformational space accessible to a sequence. (b) Combining different fragments from the libraries folds the protein through optimization of non-local contacts. The low-resolution energy function depicted in panel c smoothes the rough energy surface, resulting in a deep, broad minimum for the native conformation. Metropolis Monte Carlo minimization drives the structure toward the global minimum.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 6

Figure 6. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Protein interface prediction. High-resolution CAPRI prediction of the colicin D−immunity protein D interface. Both rigid-body orientation and side chain conformation were modeled. The crystal structure is colored red and orange, and the Rosetta model is colored blue. (a) Whole protein complex. (b) The interface shows the side chains of catalytic residue H611 and additional positively charged residues that are thought to bind to the RNA, as well as their matching negatively charged residues in the immunity protein. From () reprinted with permission from Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 9

Figure 9. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

Design of a novel protein interface. Comparison of the designed specificity switch in the colicin E7 DNase−Im7 immunity complex with the experimentally determined structure. (a) Experimentally determined coordinates, including a density map for computationally designed residues. (b) The computational design (yellow) is superimposed on an experimental structure (orange). (c and d) Side-by-side comparison of the designed and experimentally determined hydrogen bond networks. (e) Hydrogen bonding connectivity in the context of the interface region. From () reprinted with permission from Journal of Molecular Biology.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.
Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Practically Useful: What the Rosetta Protein Modeling Suite Can Do for You.

De novo protein structure prediction from sparse EPR data. Alexander et al. demonstrated that approximately one low-resolution distance restraint for every four residues is sufficient to determine a model of T4 lysozyme that is accurate at an atomic level of detail. The distance restraints had been determined using SDSL-EPR experiments. The native T4 lysozyme structure is colored gray, while the model with an rmsd of 1.0 Å is shown with a rainbow coloring scheme. Side chain conformations in the core of the protein are accurately represented in the model. From () reprinted with permission from Structure.

Kristian W. Kaufmann, et al. Biochemistry. 2010 Apr 13;49(14):2987-2998.

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