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Figure 1

Figure 1. V6-tag abundance profiles, similarity clustering, and taxonomic composition of bacterial communities.. From: Threatened Corals Provide Underexplored Microbial Habitats.

(A) Rank abundance curve for V6-tags detected in reef water superimposed with abundances found in coral samples shown as vertical colored bars. (B) Abundances of V6-tags, which were detected exclusively in corals, are shown alphabetically sorted by taxonomic classification of V6-tags (x-axis). In (A) and (B), circles denote log-scaled abundances of nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences that were mapped to the respective V6-tag sequences. (C) Taxonomic composition of all samples and dendrogram of OTU abundances showing similarities between samples, which are color-coded according coral host taxonomy. Details on the taxonomic composition of each sample can be found in . Abbreviations used: Acer = Acropora cervicornis; Apal = Acropora palmata; Dstr = Diploria strigosa; Gven = Gorgonia ventalina; Mfav = Montastraea faveolata; Mfra = Montastraea franksi; Past = Porites astreoides; Reef = reef water.

Shinichi Sunagawa, et al. PLoS One. 2010;5(3):e9554.

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