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Figure 3

Figure 3. Gal-4 and Gal-8 kill BG B+ E. coli solely through the C-terminal domain. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

(a) 5 μM Gal-8, Gal-8R233H, or Gal-8R69H were added to mid-log phase E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli). Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, 1 representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD. (b) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) with Gal-8N or Gal-8C at ~0.1 μM with or without inclusion of 20 mM lactose (Lac) where indicated. (c) 5 μM Gal-8, Gal-8N, or Gal-8C were added to mid-log phase E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli). Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, 1 representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD. (d) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) with Gal-4N or Gal-4C at ~0.1 μM with or without inclusion of 20 mM lactose (Lac) where indicated. (e) 5 μM Gal-4, Gal-4N, or Gal-4C were added to mid-log phase E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli). Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, 1 representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD.

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Gal-3, Gal-4, and Gal-8 recognize blood group B positive E. coli. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

(ad) Glycan microarray data obtained following incubation with (a) 0.2 μM Gal-1, (b) 0.2 μM Gal-3, (c) 0.5 μM Gal-4, and (d) 0.02 μM Gal-8. RFU = relative fluorescence units represented on the y-axis. Error bars = +/- 1 SEM. See for complete list of glycans represented on the x-axis. (e) Structure of E. coli O86 O antigen. (f-i) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of E. coli O86 with (f) Gal-1, (g) Gal-3, (h) Gal-4, and (i) Gal-8 all tested at ~0.1 μM with or without inclusion of 20 mM lactose (Lac) where indicated.

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.
Figure 5

Figure 5. Gal-4 and Gal-8 specifically recognize blood group B antigen on blood group B positive E. coli. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

(a) Schematic of O antigen structures on wild type (WT) BG B+ E. coli and mutants of BG B+ E. coli WaaL (Ligase-) and Wzy (Polymerase-) lacking a complete O antigen. (b) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of BG B+ E. coli and mutants WaaL and Wzy with ∼0.1 μM Gal-8. (cd) Incubation of (c) WT and WaaL mutant BG B+ E. coli or (d) WT and Wzy mutant BG B+ E. coli with 5 μM Gal-4 or Gal-8 as indicated. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD.

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.
Figure 4

Figure 4. Gal-4 and Gal-8 specifically kill blood group B positive E. coli. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

(a) Flow cytometric analysis of galectin binding after incubation of BG B+ E. coli and two different BG B E. coli reference strains obtained from a clinical laboratory with ∼0.1 μM Gal-8. (bc) Incubation of (b) BG B+ E. coli or (c) BG B E. coli strain 1 with 5 μM Gal-1, Gal-3, Gal-4, or Gal-8 as indicated. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD. (d) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of BG B+ E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus with ∼0.1 μM Gal-8. (eg) Incubation of (e) K. pneumoniae, (f) P. aeruginosa, or (g) S. aureus with 5 μM Gal-1, Gal-3, Gal-4, or Gal-8 as indicated. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD. (hi) Incubation with or without 5 μM Gal-8 with (h) GFP+ P. aeruginosa alone or (i) GFP+ P. aeruginosa mixed with BG B+ E. coli followed by determination of percent GFP+ P. aeruginosa by flow cytometric analysis in a mixing experiment. Gated values of GFP+ bacteria treated with PBS (blue) or Gal-8 (red) are shown. (j) Quantification of percent GFP+ bacteria utilizing flow cytometric analysis obtained following incubation of Gal-8 with either GFP+ P. aeruginosa alone (P.a.) or GFP+ P. aeruginosa mixed with BG B+ E. coli (P.a. + BG B+ E.c.).

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Gal-4 and Gal-8 kill blood group B positive E. coli. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) were mixed with (a) 5 μM Gal-1, Gal-3, Gal-4, or Gal-8, (b) 5 μM Gal-4 with or without 20 mM lactose (Lact.) or 20 mM sucrose (Sucr.), (c) 5 μM Gal-8 with or without 20 mM lactose (Lact.) or 20 mM sucrose (Sucr.), or (d) the indicated concentrations of Gal-1, Gal-3, Gal-4, or Gal-8. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, 1 representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown (ac), error bars=SD. (e) Still-frame images from real-time video microscopy demonstrating bacterial mobility at 10-s intervals before and after addition of 5 μM Gal-8 as indicated (see ). Arrows indicate one group of immobilized bacteria. Scale bars = 100 μm. (f) E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) were grown to mid-log phase followed by addition of 5 μM Gal-8. Untreated and Gal-8 treated bacteria were stained with propidium iodide (red) and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Scale bars = 100 μm. (g) Transmission electron microscopy images of E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) following addition of PBS (NT) or 5 μM Gal-8. Lower panels show close up view of single bacterium. Scale bars = 500 nm. (h) Scanning electron microscopy images of E. coli O86 (BG B+ E. coli) followed by addition of PBS (NT) or Gal-8. Scale bars = 500 nm.

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.
Figure 6

Figure 6. Gal-4 and Gal-8 specifically kill blood group B positive E. coli in vivo. From: Innate immune lectins kill bacteria expressing blood group antigen.

(a) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of BG B+ E. coli with ∼0.1 μM mGal-4 with or without lactose. (b) Flow cytometric analysis following incubation of BG B+ E. coli and mutants WaaL with ∼0.1 μM mGal-4. (c) mGal-4 binding to the CFG glycan microarray at 20 μg/ml (0.5 μM). BGB= blood group B glycans, BGA= blood group A glycans (See ). (d) Quantification of WT BG B+ and ΔwaaL mutant E. coli after incubation with ~5 μM mGal-4. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating; n = 3 experiments; one representative experiment in duplicate over two dilutions is shown; error bars represent means ± s.d. (e) Live antibiotic-treated mice were fed PBS, Wild type (WT), or WaaL mutant BG B+ E. coli. The number of viable bacteria in the intestine of mice sacrificed 24 h after feeding was quantified by dilution plating. * = p value 0.049. (f) Growth of WT and WaaL mutant BG B+ E. coli in the presence and absence of TDG. * = p value 0.008. (g) Schematic of O antigen structures on α-Gal E. coli. (h) Flow cytometric analysis of α-Gal expressing bacteria after incubation of α-Gal–expressing bacteria with ~0.1 μM human Gal-4 or Gal-8. (i) Bar graph showing the percentage of α-Gal–expressing bacteria and BG B bacteria remaining after incubation with 5 μM Gal-4 and Gal-8 as compared to PBS-treated control bacteria. Viable bacteria were quantified by dilution plating, n=3, representative experiment in duplicate over 2 dilutions shown, error bars=SD.

Sean R. Stowell, et al. Nat Med. ;16(3):295-301.

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