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Fig. 5

Fig. 5. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

Two representative examples of estimated cell pair interactions between unsuccessful and successful trials during reaching movement.

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.
Fig. 4

Fig. 4. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

The time-varying significant nonzero connectivity ratio for both excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) connections during reaching movement within successful and unsuccessful trials.

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.
Fig. 6

Fig. 6. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

The training and cross-validated KS statistics vs. the regularization coefficient ρ (cell #2, among 21 successful trials during reaching movement). In this case, the suboptimal ρ is chosen to be 30 (for γ =0.5).

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.
Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

Spike rasters from all 42 trials and the peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs, binwidth 100 ms) from two task-related M1 pyramidal neurons (#6 and 7). Red lines mark the average timing of different stages of the task.

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

Dynamic change in excitatory (top row) and inhibitory (bottom row) functional connectivity among 13 motor neurons during reaching movement (from successful trials). Circles and squares represent RS and FS cells, respectively. Uni- or bi-directional arrow indicates directional statistical dependence between cells, with solid/dashed lines representing excitatory/inhibitory connections. The title indicates the past spiking history window where the functional connectivity is inferred using all recordings.

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: A Regularized Point Process Generalized Linear Model for Assessing the Functional Connectivity in the Cat Motor Cortex.

An example of estimated GLM coefficients {αc, k} for 9 history-dependent components from all 13 cells during baseline (top) and reaching movement (bottom). A→B assumes cell A triggers the target cell B firing with a unidirectional spiking dependence. The KS plot and the deviance convergence curve are also shown at the last two panels in each case. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence bounds.

Z Chen, et al. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. ;1:5006.

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