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Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

The ADTF-calculated source activity (prior to the thresholding procedure) and the cortical potential map for 4 of the selected spikes in Patient 1.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.

Figure 6. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

The SOZs and the corresponding ADTF source activity in the remaining seven patients. Each patient underwent surgical resection of the epileptologist-determined ictal foci.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

A. A representative sample of one of the analyzed interictal spike waveforms.
B. The time-frequency representation of (A)
C. The ADTF-calculated source activity from the cortical network during the interictal spike shown in (A). The time point at the average interictal spike peak is denoted by the arrow.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

An overview of the calculation of the composite source activity. The cortical source activity was calculated and a 50% threshold was applied for each interictal spike. The thresholded activity was then summed for all of the interictal spikes in each patient to obtain an average source activity map for each patient.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.
Figure 5

Figure 5. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

A. The seizure-onset zone (SOZ) determined by the epileptologist in Patient 1 is shown in red highlight. In all of the analyzed patients, the location and extent of the SOZ was delineated from ictal information.
B. The composite ADTF source results obtained from summing the thresholded source activity values from all of the analyzed spikes in this patient.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.
Figure 1

Figure 1. From: Identification of epileptogenic foci from causal analysis of ECoG interictal spike activity.

Overview of the method utilized in the present study. The interictal spike recordings were identified from ECoG recordings in each patient. The frequency band of interest for each interictal spike was selected by time-frequency analysis and the ADTF method was utilized to obtain the connectivity pattern during each spike recording. From here, the cortical regions displaying the greatest amount of information outflow were identified.

C. Wilke, et al. Clin Neurophysiol. ;120(8):1449-1456.

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