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Figure 5

Figure 5. Object recognition test.. From: Impaired Spatial Learning Strategies and Novel Object Recognition in Mice Haploinsufficient for the Dual Specificity Tyrosine-Regulated Kinase-1A (Dyrk1A).

(A) Schematic representation of the object recognition test. Mice are allowed to explore an identical pair of objects, and after 24 hours, they are presented with the familiar object and a new object. (B) Dyrk1A+/− exhibited significantly impaired novel object recognition as shown by the similar amount of time spent in exploring the two objects (familiar and new). (C) Dyrk1A+/− showed no net preference between novel and familiar objects as shown by the reduced discrimination index. White bars (Dyrk1A+/+) and black bars (Dyrk1A+/−) represent means±SEM.

Glòria Arqué, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(7):e2575.
Figure 4

Figure 4. Swimming Test.. From: Impaired Spatial Learning Strategies and Novel Object Recognition in Mice Haploinsufficient for the Dual Specificity Tyrosine-Regulated Kinase-1A (Dyrk1A).

(A) Swimming test with water temperature at 25°C reveals that the swimming speed between Dyrk1A+/+ and Dyrk1A+/− mice is similar during a 60 s trial period. Inset: Total mean speed and distance traveled by Dyrk1A+/− and wild type mice. (B) Swimming test with water temperature at 17°C reveals a significant reduction of the swimming speed in the mutants compared to wild types, allowing detecting a hypoactive behavior under stressful environmental conditions. Inset: total mean speed and distance traveled by mutant animals mice were less than wild type mice. Open circles (Dyrk1A+/+) and black circles (Dyrk1A+/−) represent means±SEM.

Glòria Arqué, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(7):e2575.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Non-searching strategies in the Morris water maze test.. From: Impaired Spatial Learning Strategies and Novel Object Recognition in Mice Haploinsufficient for the Dual Specificity Tyrosine-Regulated Kinase-1A (Dyrk1A).

Floating behavior (A and B) was operationally defined as any period equal to or longer than 5 s, during which the average mouse swimming speed stayed below 3 cm.s−1. (A) Number of floating episodes; (B) Cumulative floating time (s); (C) Time in center-periphery during acquisition sessions. Dyrk1A+/− (black bars) mice spent more time in peripheral zone than control mice (white bars) during acquisition sessions. Dotted curves show the decrease of time in the peripheral zone between the first and fourth acquisition session. (D) Time (%) in center-periphery calculated for the cued, removal and reversal sessions. Data are shown as mean±SEM. ** P<0,005, Student's t test. Abbreviations: REM, removal session; REV, reversal session; C, center; P, periphery.

Glòria Arqué, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(7):e2575.
Figure 1

Figure 1. Morris water maze test.. From: Impaired Spatial Learning Strategies and Novel Object Recognition in Mice Haploinsufficient for the Dual Specificity Tyrosine-Regulated Kinase-1A (Dyrk1A).

Morris water maze performance in Dyrk1A+/− and wild type animals during the learning sessions expressed as (A) latency (s) to find the platform along the acquisition phase, cue and reversal sessions; (B) mean swimming speed; (C) total distance traveled and (D) time spent in the target quadrant during the removal session; discontinuous lines represent the chance level in this session. White bars and circles represent wild types and black bars and circles represent Dyrk1A +/−. Data are represented as mean±SEM; * P<0,05, Student's t test. Abbreviations: REV, reversal session; NE, northeast; NW, northwest; SW, southwest; SE, southeast.

Glòria Arqué, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(7):e2575.
Figure 3

Figure 3. Learning strategies in the Morris water maze test.. From: Impaired Spatial Learning Strategies and Novel Object Recognition in Mice Haploinsufficient for the Dual Specificity Tyrosine-Regulated Kinase-1A (Dyrk1A).

(A) and (B) represent the spatial preference of Dyrk1A+/− and Dyrk1A+/+ mice along four acquisition sessions. (A) Representative swim paths of a wild type and a Dyrk1A+/− mouse illustrating that Dyrk1A+/− mouse swam more irregularly than the control mouse. (B) Color-coded histograms representing occupancy of wild type (upper panel) and mutant (lower panel) mice during the acquisition sessions of the hidden platform version of Morris Water Maze task. The wild type mice focused their search in the trained location (where the platform used to be during training) whereas the mutant mice visited the whole maze area equivalently. Color scale is given on the right of the histograms. (C) Cumulative permanence in quadrants. Percentage of time in quadrants of mice spends in four acquisition sessions and cue session. Each quadrant is represented by a different color. (D) Cumulative search error. Dyrk1A+/− mice (black bars) and control littermates (white bars) summed one-second averages corrected for the particular start location and platform location by subtracting the proximity score that would be produced by perfect performance on that trial. (E) Whishaw's index. Dyrk1A+/− mice revealed decreased percentage of time spent in correct corridor. Data are shown as mean±SEM (wild types, n = 12; Dyrk1A+/−, n = 11; * P<0,05; **, P<0,005, Student's t test). Abbreviation: REM, removal session.

Glòria Arqué, et al. PLoS One. 2008;3(7):e2575.

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