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FIGURE 4. From: Redox Reactions of Phenazine Antibiotics with Ferric (Hydr)oxides and Molecular Oxygen.

Initial rates with respect to Fe(II)(aq) production as a function of pH. The reported orders with respect to [H+] were calculated from the straight lines connecting successive pairs of points.

Yun Wang, et al. Environ Sci Technol. ;42(7):2380-2386.

FIGURE 1. From: Redox Reactions of Phenazine Antibiotics with Ferric (Hydr)oxides and Molecular Oxygen.

Effects of (a) the voltage scan rate at pH 7 and (b) pH from 5 to 8 on illustrative CVs measured with 821 µM PYO in 0.1 M KCl aqueous solution buffered with 10 mM CH3C(O)ONH4-MOPS.

Yun Wang, et al. Environ Sci Technol. ;42(7):2380-2386.

FIGURE 2. From: Redox Reactions of Phenazine Antibiotics with Ferric (Hydr)oxides and Molecular Oxygen.

(a) Fe(II)(aq) production as a function of time and (b) UV–visible spectra collected at 0.85, 2.2, 4.2, 16, 45, 109, and 170 min, during the reaction between 100 µM Fe(OH)3(am, s) and 50 µM reduced PYO at pH 6. Arrows indicate peak growth as the reaction progresses.

Yun Wang, et al. Environ Sci Technol. ;42(7):2380-2386.

FIGURE 3. From: Redox Reactions of Phenazine Antibiotics with Ferric (Hydr)oxides and Molecular Oxygen.

Initial rates with respect to Fe(II)(aq) production for reactions of reduced phenazines with Fe(OH)3(am, s) (filled symbols) and α-Fe2O3(s) (open symbols) as a function of the half-wave potential (E1/2) of the phenazine redox couples. R0 values (in the top panels) were derived from the time course plot illustrated in . RA (in the bottom panels) corrects for differences in surface area loading for the two (hydr)oxides by dividing R0 by the surface area (in m2 g−1), the formula weight (in g/mol Fe), and the suspension concentration (in moles Fe/L). All E1/2 values were measured in this study and are listed in , except for PCA and PCN at pH 8, where their E1/2 values were derived from (see text) using the values measured at pH 7.

Yun Wang, et al. Environ Sci Technol. ;42(7):2380-2386.

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