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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. From: Using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess neural activation during object processing in infants.

Narrow- and wide-screen test events from Wilcox and Baillargeon. Steps 1 to 4 were repeated until the end of the trial. The ball and box varied on many feature dimensions, including shape, color, and texture.

Teresa Wilcox, et al. J Biomed Opt. ;10(1):11010-11010.
Fig. 3

Fig. 3. From: Using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess neural activation during object processing in infants.

Mean change in HbO2, HbR, and HbT in response to the wide-screen ball-box event, in relative units (y axis). The 45-s trial epoch (see text) is displayed in the following way: −5 to 0 is baseline, 1 to 30 s is the 30-s ball-box event, and 31 to 40 s is poststimulus. Relative changes in HbO2, HbR, and HbT during the time 10 to 30 s of this epoch were compared to 0. All observed changes were significant (p < 0.01).

Teresa Wilcox, et al. J Biomed Opt. ;10(1):11010-11010.
Fig. 2

Fig. 2. From: Using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess neural activation during object processing in infants.

Raw data (left column) and block-averaged response over four trials from a single subject illustrate the importance of filtering the spatial covariance of the data with a PCA to reduce motion artifacts in the data. The raw data from the primary visual cortex is displayed in optical density units at 690 and 830 nm over the 300-s duration of the experiment. The initiation of each 30-s trial is indicated by the thick vertical bar. The block-averaged data are displayed in relative concentration units of HbO2 and HbR. The first row shows the raw data. The subsequent rows show the effect of filtering one, three, and four principle components.

Teresa Wilcox, et al. J Biomed Opt. ;10(1):11010-11010.

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