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 Figure 8.

Figure 8. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 is more potent than RGS4 and RGS7. A, B, Current responses (A) and deactivation half-time (B) in the absence or presence of RGS4, RGS7, or Ret-RGS1. Oocytes were injected with RNAs (in nanograms) for mGluR6 (1), pertussis toxin-insensitive Gαo1 C351V (1), GIRK1/2 channels (0.8 each), and Ret-RGS1 (1), RGS4 (1), or RGS7 (1).

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 3.

Figure 3. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 is expressed in presynaptic terminals. Top row, Immunostaining for Ret-RGS1 (red) and horizontal cell marker, calbindin (green). Horizontal cell processes are unstained for Ret-RGS1. Middle row, Immunostaining for Ret-RGS1 (red) and synaptophysin (green). Ret-RGS1 and synaptophysin colocalize in presynatic photoreceptor terminals (PT) (arrows). Note that Ret-RGS1 staining forms clusters, which often outline the synaptophysin-positive terminals (arrowheads). Bottom row, Immunostaining for Ret-RGS1 (red) and PKC (green). Staining for Ret-RGS1 forms large puncta throughout the IPL (arrowheads). Rod bipolar axon terminals (rba) (identified by PKC) are also stained (arrows).

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 5.

Figure 5. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 is strongly bound to the plasma membrane. Retinal membranes from 25,000 × g pellets were washed with different treatments: hypotonic (hypo), hypertonic (hyper), alkaline (Na2CO3), octyl-glucoside (OG), urea, and NH2OH. For most treatments, Ret-RGS was recovered only in the pellet fraction (P); a small amount of Ret-RGS1 in supernatant (S) was recovered only after octyl-glucoside treatment. This suggests that Ret-RGS1 is tightly associated with the plasma membrane.

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 2.

Figure 2. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 is localized to ON bipolar somas and dendrites. A, Radial section of bovine retina stained for Ret-RGS1. Staining is present in all retinal layers, most strongly in inner segments and then OPL. Staining in IPL and ganglion cell somas was somewhat variable between tissues. IS, Inner segments; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer; NFL, nerve fiber layer. (Abbreviations apply to all Figures.) B, Double staining for Ret-RGS1 (red) and PKC (green). Rod bipolar cells marked with anti-PKC (arrows) were also stained for Ret-RGS1. Certain PKC-negative somas were Ret-RGS1 positive (arrowhead). C, Double staining for Ret-RGS1 (red) and Gαo (green). All ON bipolar cells marked by Gαo express Ret-RGS1 (arrows). D, Electron micrograph of a rod synaptic complex. The invaginating rod bipolar dendritic tip (RB) is stained for Ret-RGS1. r, Ribbon. E, Electron micrograph of a cone synaptic complex. The central element of the postsynaptic triad (CB) was stained for Ret-RGS1. H, Horizontal cell process.

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 7.

Figure 7. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 accelerates deactivation of mGluR6 response in a concentration-dependent manner. Pertussis toxin (200 ng) was injected ∼16 hr before the recordings. A, PTX completely diminished responses carried by endogenous Gαi/o protein. B, Current evoked by 1 mm glutamate versus quantity of injected mGluR6 RNA. Responses first grow linearly and then saturate ∼1 ng mRNA. Oocytes were injected with RNAs (in nanograms) for mGluR6 (as indicated), pertussis toxin-insensitive Gαo1 C351V (1) and GIRK1/2 channels (0.8 each). C, Ret-RGS1 (0.25 ng) accelerated deactivation. Currents were normalized to the same amplitude to show effect of time course. D, E, Responses to glutamate with increasing amounts of Ret-RGS1 (data pooled from 2 experiments). The parameters quantified are denoted above the bar graphs. Act, activation. Cells were injected with mRNAs for mGluR6 (2), pertussis toxin-insensitive Gαo1 C351V (1), GIRK1/2 channels (0.8 each), and the indicated amount of Ret-RGS1. For activation and deactivation half-time, data were simply averaged. For currents, data were normalized to responses at 0 Ret-RGS1 as explained in Materials and Methods. Numbers of oocytes denoted in D apply also to E.

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 4.

Figure 4. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 associates with plasma membrane and synaptic vesicles in presynaptic terminals. A-C, Electron micrographs of rod terminals. A, Diffused stain appears throughout the terminal; B, C, clusters of gold particles (denoted within the dashed pink ellipses) appear ∼100-200 nm from plasma membrane (outlined in blue). D, Western analysis of subfractions from bovine retina with Ret-RGS1 antibody. Fifty micrograms of total proteins of each fraction were loaded on a 12% acrylamide gel. Ret-RGS1 is present in plasma membrane fraction and synaptic vesicles. Hom, Homogenate; crude synapt, crude synaptosomes. E, Fractions of synaptic vesicles on a sucrose gradient analyzed by Western blotting. Ret-RGS1 is co-present with synaptophysin in medium weight fractions; Na/K ATPase α-subunit (96 kDa; bottom band), a marker of a plasma membrane, settles in the heavier fractions. The 120 kDa (top band) is an aggregate of the α-subunit, which is commonly seen after sample boiling. As for Ret-RGS1, its migration was not perturbed by sample boiling.

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 6.

Figure 6. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

Ret-RGS1 modulates acetylcholine-evoked response. A, Experimental protocol (current responses to 10 μm acetylcholine). Bars above the records denote application of high K+ and acetylcholine solutions. Before and after application of high K+, oocytes were perfused with ND96 solution. Basal and evoked currents are defined on the left. Gray and black records correspond to records without (-) or with (+) 1 ng Ret-RGS RNA; current scale: 4 μA for - and 8 μA for +. Oocytes were injected with RNA for (in nanograms) m2R (0.24), Gαo1 (1), and GIRK1/2 channels (0.8 each). For all RNAs in this and the following figures, the amounts are given in nanograms. B, C, Same experiment as in A showing mean and SEM for one experiment. Ret-RGS1 (1) and RGS4 (1) reduced deactivation half-time (t50% deact) (B) and increased ACh-evoked current (C) significantly. Above each bar is the number of oocytes. For all figures, a single asterisk denotes a significant difference from control (p < 0.05) and double asterisks denote a highly significant difference (p < 0.001). D, Ret-RGS1 increased the evoked current when interacting with the wild-type Gαo [normalized average of 3 experiments; oocytes were injected with RNA (in nanograms) for m2R (0.2) or mGluR6 (1), Gαo (0 or 1), GIRK1/2 channels (0.8 each), and Ret-RGS1 (0 or 1)].

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.
 Figure 1.

Figure 1. From: A Retinal-Specific Regulator of G-Protein Signaling Interacts with Gαo and Accelerates an Expressed Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 6 Cascade.

o interacts with Ret-RGS1. A, Alignment of amino acid residues of mouse (Mo), bovine (Bo), and human (Hu) Ret-RGS1 protein N termini (corresponding to the N1 bovine peptide used to generate the antibody against Ret-RGS1). B, HEK 293 cells transfected with bovine Ret-RGS1 expression plasmid (top) and mouse Ret-RGS1 EST clone (bottom), immunostained with N1 antibody (red) and counterstained with the nuclear dye SYTO 13 (green). This antibody recognized the bovine protein (top) but not the mouse protein (bottom). C, A Western blot stained with N1 antibody shows two bands of 45 and 40 kDa in bovine retina and a 45 kDa band in HEK cells transfected with Ret-RGS1 expression plasmid. These bands were eliminated by preabsorbing the antibody with the N1 peptide (preab). D, Coimmunoprecipitation of Gαo1 and Ret-RGS in HEK cells transfected with Gαo1 and Ret-RGS1 expression vectors. Gαo was immunoprecipitated in the presence or absence of AlF4- (as indicated). The immunoprecipitates were subjected to Western blotting with Gαo (top) or Ret-RGS1 (bottom) antibodies in parallel. 1, Homogenate; 2 and 3, immunoprecipitation (IP) with anti-Gαo; 4 and 5, mock IP without any antibody. In bottom blot, an empty lane next to lane 2 was cut out for alignment. For both D and E, 0.3% of total sample was applied for the homogenate lane, and 5% was applied for the rest of the lanes. E, Coimmunoprecipitation of Gαo and Ret-RGS1 from bovine retina. IP was done with anti-Gαo in the presence of AlF4-. h, Homogenate.

Anuradha Dhingra, et al. J Neurosci. 2004 Jun 23;24(25):5684-5693.

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