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Figure 4

Figure 4. From: Gamma (γ) tocopherol upregulates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) gamma (γ) expression in SW 480 human colon cancer cell lines.

Tocopherol upregulation of PPARγ protein by Western Blot analysis of A) 24-hour tocopherol-treated SW480 nuclear extracts: lane 1 – 10 μM γ-tocopherol, lane 2 – 5 μM γ-tocopherol lane 3 – 10 μM α-tocopherol, lane 4 – 5 μM α-tocopherol, lane 5 – 100 μM troglitazone, lane 6 – blank, lane 7-ethanol carrier control.B) Bar graph of densitometries for Western Blot shown in figure .

Sharon E Campbell, et al. BMC Cancer. 2003;3:25-25.
Figure 2

Figure 2. From: Gamma (γ) tocopherol upregulates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) gamma (γ) expression in SW 480 human colon cancer cell lines.

Tocopherol upregulation of PPARγ mRNA expression detected by QPCR after 24 hours of treatment with 5 μM tocopherol. A) Relative copy number of a representative QPCR AT 5 μM tocopherol concentration. B) Fold increase data of the representative QPCR data shown in figure . C) Average fold increase data of three independent experiments at 5 μM tocopherol concentration. * shows sample statistical difference compared to the vehicle-treated.

Sharon E Campbell, et al. BMC Cancer. 2003;3:25-25.
Figure 3

Figure 3. From: Gamma (γ) tocopherol upregulates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) gamma (γ) expression in SW 480 human colon cancer cell lines.

Tocopherol upregulation of PPARγ mRNA expression detected by QPCR after 24 hours of treatment with 10 μM tocopherol. A) Relative copy number of a representative QPCR AT 10 μM tocopherol concentration. B) Fold increase data of the representative QPCR data shown in figure . C) Average fold increase data of three independent experiments at 10 μM tocopherol concentration. * shows sample statistical difference compared to the vehicle-treated.

Sharon E Campbell, et al. BMC Cancer. 2003;3:25-25.
Figure 5

Figure 5. From: Gamma (γ) tocopherol upregulates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) gamma (γ) expression in SW 480 human colon cancer cell lines.

Tocopherol upregulation of PPARγ protein by Western Blot analysis of A)48-hour tocopherol-treated SW480 whole cell lysates: lane 1 – PPARγ control from transfected COS cells, lane 2 – negative control from untreated Jurkat cells, lane 3 – vehicle-treated control, lane 4 – 10 μM α-tocopherol, lane 5 – 10 μM γ-tocopherol, lane 6 – 100 μM troglitazone. B) Bar graph of densitometries for Western Blot shown in figure .

Sharon E Campbell, et al. BMC Cancer. 2003;3:25-25.

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