PMC Journal List
Search Result |
ISSN | Title | Volumes in PMC | Free Access | Participation Level | |
Latest | First | ||||
1550-7629 | Nuclear Receptor Signaling | v.17 2020 | v.1 2003 | No longer published (Full) |
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Note: The CSV file does not contain any Special Collection files. See the documentation (PDF file) for further description of the data in the CSV file. The CSV file was last updated on October 5, 2024. | Legend:Search result: shows the results of a journal title search. The top area shows journal title results of Full and NIH Portfolio journals (i.e. from the letter tabs); the lower area shows journal titles from the Special Collections tab. ISSN: retrieves the Entrez Journals Database record for the journal. Title: links to a list of all issues of the journal in PMC, or all articles for NIH Portfolio journals. A volume and year after the title indicate the earliest volume in PMC under a predecessor title. Latest Volume: shows the most recent issue that has at least one full-text article available in PMC and, for full participation titles, links to that issue. Issue ToCs will display all articles in the issue, even those that are under embargo, as long as at least one article is available from that issue. Free Access: says how soon after publication the journal's articles are made freely available. means that all of the articles in the journal are available under a Creative Commons or similar distribution license. means that some of the articles in the journal are available under a Creative Commons or similar distribution license. See PMC Open Access Subset for more information. Participation Level: indicates the type and level of participation in PMC. “Full” participation means the journal deposits all articles from each issue. “NIH Portfolio” journals deposit at least all NIH funded articles, but may not include all of the journal's articles. A “No longer published” journal has ceased publication, but the material that it deposited previously is still available. A “No longer participating” journal has stopped adding new material to PMC, although the material that it deposited previously is still available. The original participation level is indicated in parentheses for “No longer participating” and “No longer published” journals. More information on participation models can be found on the PMC Participation Agreements page. |