PCA statistical analysis of no-volatile compounds in the processing of green tea (A), yellow tea (B), dark tea (C), oolong tea (D), black tea (E), and white tea (F). FL: fresh leaves, W: leaf withering, D: leaf de-enzyming, R: leaf rolling, Y: leaf yellowing, GT: green tea, YT: yellow tea; TD: tea dhool, PF: leaf pile-fermentation, DT: dark tea; WT: white tea, W24: withering 24 h, W48: withering 48 h, W72: withering 72 h; BT: black tea, BW: leaf withering, BR: leaf rolling, BF: leaf fermentation; OT: oolong tea, OW: leaf withering, TO: leaf turning-over, OD: leaf de-enzyming, OR: leaf rolling. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)