Viral antagonism of C3-mediated signaling.
NF-κB induction by the heat-labile component of serum activity following infection of HEK293T cells by AdV, HPV, hAstV, PV, HRV and UV-inactivated HRV (UV-HRV), shown as fold change of Virus+Serum over Virus+HI Serum signalling levels. Immunoblot for C3 (B) and AdV (C) in samples comprising C3 deposited on AdV incubated with recombinant HRV 3C Protease (Ext HRV 3C) or components thereof. (D) NF-κB activity in HEK293T expressing HRV 3C Protease (HRV 3C Pro) or PV 3C Protease (PV 3C Pro). (E) NF-κB activity in HEK293T treated with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Ext HRV 3C or recombinant PV 3C Protease (Ext PV 3C), with AdV complexes pelleted. (F) Levels of infection of HeLa cells challenged with AdV, AdV+Serum, AdV+HI Serum, and AdV+Serum+CVF treated with Ext HRV 3C, or Ext PV 3C, followed by pelleting. (G) Immunoblot for C3 after infection of HeLa cells expressing empty vector or HRV 3C Pro by AdV+C3fBfD or HRV+C3fBfD. (H) NF-κB activity in HEK293T cells treated with DMSO or 3C antagonist rupintrivir, challenged with HRV incubated with sera. (I) Immunoblot for C3 after infection of HeLa with AdV+C3fBfD or HRV+C3fBfD treated with DMSO or rupintrivir. (J) NF-κB activity induced by the heat-labile component of serum upon AdV, HRV or PV infection of HEK293T cells treated with DMSO or rupintrivir at indicated times post-infection. (K) NF-κB activity in THP-1 cells treated with DMSO or rupintrivir and challenged with sera-incubated HRV. (L) IFN-β ELISA from NHLF cells infected with HRV under different conditions after treatment with DMSO, Ext HRV 3C or rupintrivir. Data from dot plots are from five experiments (dots are mean of N=6), bar graphs are representative of three experiments, data in (D, E, H, K) as mean +/− SEM N=6, data in (L), mean +/− SEM N=4, data in (J), mean +/− SEM, N=3.